Here's one that goes doing all the recaps and whateva boring stuff that most people will do anyways. So if you're not interested, you don't have to torture yourself reading all my laments and rattles. Ta-daa...
Lotsa things happened in 2008. For the start, I'm turned 21. But we don't actually have the key to freedom kind of tradition. We're just 21. We're still our parents' kids. So we still get the nagging and calls every night...January 30th 2008: Shits. It's barely the start of a new year, and I've lost something valueable. Fark. Fark. Fark. Spent the entire afternoon skipping presentation class to farking call banks and report the lost of the ATM cards in the wallet. Gotten myself a temporary identity card. Haven't come to the driving license though. Couldn't do anything about the G2K premium card too. Oh my heart's crushed into little pieces... My G2K premium card....
I can't seem to recall anything really interesting. Really. Okay maybe just some...April 21st, 2008 ... On the Olympic Torch Relay
KK: Oooo I love their shirt! Olympic ones!
CH: Yea, love the logo!
Me: The torch relay thingy I suppose.
KK: Today right? Afternoon.
Me: Dataran Merdeka. 2 if I'm not mistaken. Why?
CH: Let's go let's go let's go!
Of course, how can I forget the first trip overseas on plane that we embarked on...Saturday, May 17, 2008 Greetings from Cambodia
6. On food, I was told that the Khmer food are extra salty and all, no doubt, the food are quite salty, but I personally find it pretty nice. Especially the porridge. It's a must try. Malaysians can NEVER do such a porridge. Yea, even though Mum's cooking is the best in the world, but Cambodian porridge beats that. I'm not lying.
And there's the brother who finally had the wish of becoming a scholar come true...May 13, 2008 On the First Scholar:
And I sent a text message to the little brother: Yo bro! Congrates! Now you gotta work your arse off. Medicine is not a bed of roses, you'll suffer like never before. Welcome to hellhole. :)
And the sister who became one of the first class holders...August 07, 2008 On the 2nd 1st Class Honours
Me: Har??? Then what's the whole purpose of naming the book prize winner?
Sis: Mainly they're the first class one lor.
Me: Just for the sake of naming?
Dad: Yah.
Me: What? And have your names immortalized printed in this page under "Book Prize"?
Sis: Yah.
But I really wondered, maybe because the transition of the whole year was in the middle of the year when we shifted place, to a the hospital located 45 minutes away from where we used to be.August 24, 2008 On Finally Moving
I'm looking forward for another fantastic year of hostel life. So far, I enjoyed myself a lot in pre-U, and definitely the last one year we moved out from hostel since April 2007. I'll be sharing room with KK, while CH will be living in a room one floor above us. YL and KW will be on the further end, unfortunately. But rest assured, it'll still be a big homey place.
Of course, how could one ever forgets about the loss of a family member?November 09, 2008 On Saying our Prayers
It was a typical Hakka traditional funeral I suppose. It lasted for 3 days before she was being burried.She was of a ripe age of 84. She has 7 sons, and 2 daughters. She has numerous grandchildren, and a few great-grandchildren. So it was indeed a huge family gathering.
But then again, flipping through the pages of the blog, I realised lots of things happened. From shaking the butts in Euphoria, I went hopping into Quattro and Maison, not to forget UrbanAttic. And there's the gate-away to Simpang Lima and Cameron and Melaka and the charity in Sarawak... Getting to know new friends who shared the same interest in photoshooting, as well as slowly losing contact with the few dearest friends...

So with that, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone...

Oh yeah, you don't have to tell me why I have odd taste, but that one in my Terry Fox series is cute.
And, leave me super lenghty comments! I'm stuck at home, I need entertainment!
12 Jujus:
happy new year to you~~ :)
doctor... ermmm why the word hapy missing a p 1? hehe... being 21, one shud appreciate n be grateful. its a blessing yah. look at what u've written. 2009 is another year of another journey.
[SK] Happy new year to you too! :D
khoalar.. it's left out on purpose one lar. che-wah. hahahaha. oklor. typo lor. lazy to change now liao. need to redo the whole picture again mei?
anyways, happy new year to you too! :D
Whoa! Remembered everything and got photo some more!
Well done Bong! good post
Pray you have a great 2009 and beyond. ^_^
Dear Bong/Medie007,
As the end of 2008 is drawing near,
Gone are Santa and his reindeers,
And we all switch to high gears,
To celebrate the countdown of the coming year.
I want to let you know you’re a great blogger,
So much so that I’ve made myself your Follower,
It does not matter whether you are far or near,
You’ve brought me much laughters and tears.
So before you get drunk with that last glass of beer,
Waiting for 2009 to appear,
Let me wish you now and here,
A very happy & smashing new year!!
: )
Happy New Year ... May all your wishes come true eh! :)
Happy New Year to you, all de best in yr 2009
Happy New Year~! ^^
I checked your blog almost everyday in 2008.....
When I'm sad , I read your blog...
And when I'm happy....
I also read your blog, LOL.
Leggie, had to refer back to the archives also lor. : P
Anton, happy new year to you too!
Foongpc, that's a wonderful poem! Am so touched! :D Happy New Year to you too!
TZ, happy new year to you too! ;)
Pikey, happy new year!
Nicholas, happy new year. :D
passerby, thank you for following my blog lei. :D thanks a lot. happy new year.
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