10th of May, hour 2200. Sis called. I didn't pick up the phone, as I didn't think anything important is happening this time round. She's fine with her postings, Bro's back from National Service, I've been chatting with mum a lot lately, Dad's healthy. So I didn't pick up the phone. A while later, the expected text message arrive.Damn. And we thought he's got a higher chance since he's a straight A1 scorer. Poor him. Poor Mum. Mum must be really really really sad. When the Bank Negara scholarship interviewees list were revealed, Mum was kind of sad that bro wasn't listed as well. But not to be offered JPA, that's a big, nope, a VERY big disappointment.
I remembered last time when I learnt about my results, Mum was kind of sad too. I didn't exactly know how she reacted, but she was more of like, wondering if I'm the one depressed. Back then, I was putting so much hope on the scholarships, since sis wasn't offered as well. Although having me not scoring a perfect score, I still put much hope in the scholarships. I remembered I performed really well in the interview. The other interviewees in the same group couldn't agree more. Plus, I was a National Service trainee as well. That should be given credit! But I was away to college when the scholarships winners were revealed, so Mum was very worried that I might break down. But I didn't. Sad no doubt, but I was on another scholarship already then, just not one that could get me overseas.So, when Sis said Mum was crying, I know she really was. She was putting a lot of hopes in the little brother you see, and she sacrificed so much to make sure the little brother perform well. When the SPM results was released a few months back, she literally cry of joy. And I can't imagine she's right now, crying of disappointment and anger back at home. I was thinking of what to say to coax her. I know nothing could possibly make her feel better. I felt the pang of disappointment as well, I did put hopes in the little brother. Getting the scholarships means a lot of saving for the family. Plus, he is a very bright student. He deserves that.
Mum called a while later, telling me that the little bro checked the results. I could still hear her after-crying, her voice was very soft and weak. But she didn't want to accept the fact. She said it must be a false alarm. None of little bro's friends got offered as well. And none of the kids of her colleagues were offered too. So she said it's a false alarm.
True enough, when hour 2300 c0mes, she called back.
"Little bro got it. Just now the website wasn't updated. But we logged in again 3 minutes ago. He got it. Thank God!"
I went like "REALLY!?!?! HE GOT IT?! WAAA!!! OO YAY! REALLY! HE GOT IT!?"
I'm sure KK from the next room could hear me screaming. Oh my oh my! Finally there's a JPA scholar in the house. After the first 2 children didn't make it, the last one finally got it. Mum's wishes finally came true. In fact, ALL her wishes came true. She must be on cloud nine tonight. I doubt she could even sleep well. All that disapointment and suddenly a big u-turn to euphoria, that's going to give her quite some heart attack. She said so herself.
She sent me another text message a while later.Bleh. Now we lost. Apparently, Stephanie was my ex-classmate. And her younger sister, Samantha was my little brother's classmate. Stephanie's a JPA scholar doing medicine in Otago University. And now she's telling me her younger sister also got it. Blergh! Her dad's some high ranking people in the timber industry, and her mum's a lecturer. It's not like her family cannot support them overseas right?!
Anyway, in case you were wondering what the little brother was offered, Mum said the net just showed "Congratulations! Course offered: Medicine"
And I sent a text message to the little brother: Yo bro! Congrates! Now you gotta work your arse off. Medicine is not a bed of roses, you'll suffer like never before. Welcome to hellhole. :)
I wondered if I made the right choice saying "Just apply for medicine la then!" in the car when we had that career talk earlier this year. Dang.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
On the First Scholar
Medieliciously written by Medie007
Also check out the other medielicious on Family
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17 Jujus:
Congrats to your brother!
Your poor brother. He doesn't know what he's getting into!
Congrates Congrates Congrates :P It's a damn good news! hehe...
Yey to your brother. :P
I don't understand why these rich people getting scholarships...
Congratulations! Your brother deserves it!
i agree wif savante. dont think twice. think a hundred times over. dont be a doc n play with ppl's health n life. u duno wat kinda sins ur getting into. i'm not talking abt small sins here. saving a person life can go up 7 level into heaven. if u play a fool, go think what will be in for u. as a fren, i advise here. if not i couldnt care less. being a doc is not abt money. its abt having a very big compassionate heart to heal others every single day. so go ask ur bro if he has the heart or not. if he has, then i congratulate him n ur family. :)
ooo din know stephanie is on jpa, i always thought she's on FaMa scholarship..
which country ur bro going to? but bond 10 years eh, that's pathetically LONG!!!!!
anyways, huge congrats to ur bro:)
Grats to your bro!
congrats to yr bro on the scholarship!! And seems it's a whole family and friends of doctors!!
I think u need to advise yr bro properly on the medicine field. You should know better. If you think he got what it takes to be a doctor, then please encourage him.
Wow! Congratulations!!! And I find that your Mom cares so much for you all. She's like more nervous and much emotional about the education than you all. Hehehe...
About your brother choosing medicine, if he has the passion and interest, no one can change his mind but if he choose medicine just to brag about or just chasing for the title, it would be difficult for him to cope.
On why rich people still get scholarships, maybe the giver thinks if anything happens, they can afford to pay back. How can poor families pay back, right?
Congratulations to your bro! At first when I read your blog, I wanted to say I am sorry for your bro, but when I read on, I felt otherwise for your bro. I felt happy knowing that your bro got the JPA scholarship at last. Congrats again! Your bro has indeed made your family very proud.
Congrats, but right now - I love your phone! What model!?
jason & life cafez: thanks!
savante: yealor... but he's already in there...
daohui & cyclohelix: thanks again!
QR: yalar! so not fair right? anak manager also get the scholarship...
koala: well... he got the scholarship already. if i were to ask him now, and if he changed his heart, it'll be a chaos in the family.
nursestud: stephanie eventually landed on JPA in Otago. see you so outdated! not sure which country bro will go, but the 10 years bond i suppose no escape.
pikey: well... i don't know what he really really wants. he was juggling between this or that before this, so i'm not so sure myself. but academic wise, he is smarter, so meds won't be as tough to him as it is to me.
david: :D yeap, he did. my mum's so happy! we're all so happy!
calvin: my mum is indeed the one who worry most. she's the one turning pale when the result is about to be released, she's the one to feel sad if we fail watever, she's also the one to be even happier than ourselves if it turned out fine.
on choosing meds, i really dunno...
on rich people getting scholarship, it's stupid. if it's called a scholarship, wouldn't it be meant to help the ones in need?? it's a scholarship, not a loan! you are not supposed to be worrying whether or not the recepient can or cannot afford to pay back, when all you need them to do upon graduation is to serve you in term of labor. so rich people shud not be given scholarship. so de unfair...
sam: ur comment cracked me up. LOL it's samsung D900, shud be around 700 or less, i bought a year ago at 1k.
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