Friday, September 26, 2008

On the Broken Condom

Him: B...

Me: Hey... long time no hear. Wat's up?

Him: The condom broke...

Me: Huh? What condom? Wait... wait... I thought you didn't?

Him: I never told you, but yea I did. Not that often, but I did. I penetrated him for a while, and I thought he've had enough so I came... And when I pulled out, the condom was like torn... Into half...

Me: Haha... Cheap condom is it?

Him: Not funny matters okay?! It's as bad as doing it without any condoms!

Me: I heard it feels even better?

Him: Seriously B, I'm scared.

Me: Are you? Is he??

Him: He denied having multiple sex partners. I'm like his dirty mister, and he's got his long term partner.

Me: But you had multiple partners?

Him: I guess... But I was doing safe sex all along...

Me: I'm sorry to hear that... Are you okay?

Him: No... not okay...

Me: Anything you want. Just not your birdie.

Him: Hah, don't worry, I've had enough birdie experience. I just need some company. Can you come over?

1 hour later, I texted KK the roomate "Not going back to sleep tonight." It was 11.49p.m.. And he bought a dozen of Heineken for both of us, sitting in the cozy living room just chatting till dawn.

Wild as he may be, I hope he'll be alright.

photos: leehchris & superoogie

7 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

LOL.. I thought his dick head got teeth...

savante said...

How ganas.

But it happens regularly.

Darren said...

ur friend lives a very thrilling n adventurous life hor.

Mark said...

Whoa...hope he's ok. I don't think something like this should be a laughing matter though. Better ask your friend to get himself checked out, ok?

Anonymous said...

Oh well, accident happens. I hope he's ok.

Fable Frog said...

don't worry, he should be fine... ask him to buy better ones, if he dare to have sex next time~ LOL

Little Dove said...

Please advise your friend to go for HIV screening 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after the accident. And check for signs of sexually transmitted diseases. At least you are there for him.