Look who graduated!
Dad graduated with 1st class honours in Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics and Physics 20 years ago from UM. This morning, he was sitting in the same hall watching his daughter walk up the stage and receive her graduation scroll, also with a 1st class honours.As usual, the crowd was overwhelming. Traffic was bad. And I was limping from walking all the way from medical faculty to the ever famous half-burnt Dewan Tunku Canselor. Thank God the weather didn't put any more torture on myself. What's more with me in the long sleeve formal shirt and the formal shoes never meant to walk that far a distance on gravels and tar roads. *Blerh*
All ended well alright... Dad wasn't the kind that goes beaming ear to ear over good happenings, but we all know he was very proud of sis. We were standing near the zebra crossing waiting to cross the road when he asked me to take a photo of him and sis. "Lai lai, 2 first class honors..." Mum was sniggering.After elbowing around the seemingly millions-crowded gazzebo for the memorable day photoshoot with colleagues and friends, we finally decided to head over for a quick lunch before I walk back to school for my class at 2pm. And it was there that I found out something funny about the whole book prize thing.
Me: So what do you get for being in the book prize?
Sis: Err... nothing ler.
Me: No money, no vouchers, no books, no plates whatsoever?
Sis: Not that I received any.
Me: Har??? Really ah?
Mum: (asking Dad) Eh, last time yours also nothing ah?
Dad: (pouts lips) Nada nada.
Me: Har??? Then what's the whole purpose of naming the book prize winner?
Sis: Mainly they're the first class one lor.
Me: Just for the sake of naming?
Dad: Yah.
Me: What? And have your names immortalized printed in this page under "Book Prize"?
Sis: Yah.
Me: *speechless*
Heartiest congratulations anyways!

7 Jujus:
haha, your have one very interesting family !
Congs to your sister too!!
So.. Dr Bong... when's your turn? :D
Gasp! 1st class!
Congrats man, you are must be a whiz.
wah...1st class...the only class i got was more classes :X
katetricia: hehe. thanks! my turn ah? errr... keeping my fingers crossed that i could grad. with the rate of my getting online like now, i'm pretty scared i wouldn't be able to finish my school. aaaa...
legolas: *grins*
anon: thanks! erm, on behalf of my sister. haha
rufus:me? i'm not a whiz.. i wished though. lol
raymond:lmao. that's good. you could learn more. hahaha
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