Thursday, May 12, 2011

On the Toiletries Eater

Sis is a toiletries eater. She eats toilet paper and she drinks shampoo. So when she said she wanna buy some toilet paper, the whole family objected.

"You eat toilet paper one is it?" "There are still so many rolls at home, why need to buy more?" "Why you always wanna buy and stock them up?"

Apparently, the bathroom that she uses, seems to be a common bathroom for more than 5 people.

Not to say it's bad, it's kinda great when it's study week and you don't wanna leave home, even for food. Apparently, her house is a fortress of its own. LOL.

5 Jujus:

[SK] said...

i think it's good to stock up paper, who knows you need it so badly and urgently and you found only one piece (and i mean a single piece not a roll) left!!

Twilight Man said...

She eats them? She might dip into the poop like salsa! Yummy!

Gratitude said...

get her to stock up on canned foods and you guys are good to go ;)

Reanaclaire said...

your sister? lol...

Anonymous said...

ha ha... fortress of your own. good to go when riots happen...