Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On the Cactus on the Balcony

Sitting by the sliding glass door, overlooking the scenery of the neighbourhood from 20 floors above the sky, the potted cactus never fail to touch my heart.

My dear cactus... stay strong! You will thrive and grow and you will become the strongest toughest of them all.

5 Jujus:

Gratitude said...

So much for good feng shui lolz

Robinn T said...

sure grow la.. everyone knows cactus can live without water for the next 3 months, provided they have roots long enough to find water. XD talking crap.

Anonymous said...

so stupid. what kind of feng shui is this?

[SK] said...

oh they are still alive!!! i remember the cactus i brought back from cameron just survived through a week only under my care, hahahaha!! :D

TZ said...

hahaha... i'm not a plant person. Any plant under my custody sure die including cactus.