Friday, May 13, 2011

On the Rock in the Plate

Went to Alexis Bistro in the Gardens and ordered some clam olio olio thing. The dish came out with a very generous portion of clams, shells still intact; which saw me plucking the clams out of their shells more than half the time.

And there it was. Smacked in between those shells, was a rock. 3cm x 4cm x 4cm.

Come on. Clams with shells, tolerable. But a rock?
Whatever happened to the good names Alexis is holding? In a mall some more.

True enough, 10 minutes later, another customer in the next table was shouting at the waiters for a dish delayed more than half an hour. Let's not go into the attitude I get when I asked for their wifi password.

Poor service, lousy food. Alexis Bistro is a major disappointment.

3 Jujus:

Gratitude said...

Yes, shoddy service and they also insist customers to make reservations should they wanna sit at the outside tables.

[SK] said...

errr, i think the are always understaffed, i had the same delayed service experience too..

Robinn T said...

where is the place again?