Thursday, May 26, 2011

On the Tonsil-megaly

No there's no such word as tonsil-megaly, not as far as I was concerned. Just thought since hepatomegaly means liver is huge, and spleenomegaly means the spleen is huge; so figured I could make it up.

But yes, the tonsils are huge since 2 days ago, and it's interfering my food intake, even swallowing fluids, including the saliva.

And after much recalling in vain, here's what I found, the gradings of tonsillitis, albeit chronic.
Grade 0: Tonsils fully inside the pillars
Grade 1: Tonsils found to be enlarged and out of its pillars
Grade 2: Tonsils enlargement extend up to half the distance of the uvula
Grade 3: Tonsils enlargement up to the uvula
Grade 4: Tonsils enlargement in contact with each other, i.e. kissing tonsils.

I wonder if hospital admission is required at grade 3?

4 Jujus:

Anonymous said...

I read as tonsils enlarged upto the vulva! ;S. Lolz

Robinn T said...

should I be terrified if I have absolutely no idea what's going on?

JN said...

oh i had that before, some more got white stuffs on them. but then after recovered, the size doesn't shrink back to normal. then on i no longer can deep throat. :x

[SK] said...

i thot that is called tonsillities?? BTW that is your tonsil?? you took that photo yourself?? haha~~ :D