Sunday, June 28, 2009

On Wanting My Own Room

Following this, I've found myself another annoying reason to be irritatedly pek-chek these few days. I shouldn't be, I wouldn't need to be. But as all my close friends know, I've been pretty tensed and pressured since the past weeks. I'm cutting down on my time blogging, that's why all my posts are pretty shallow and clearly showed laziness. But even when I tried to sit down in my room and study, I've got the roomie's friends coming in to discuss about our studies. I could eavesdrop and learn something. But more often than not, I just ended up feeling stupid and incompetent and that led to me feeling helpless...

Me: I hate it when the colleague comes to my room and discuss about studies with the roomie.
Heah: I know! I heard xxx is also like that.
Me: I cannot take it lor. I'll get some severe inferiority complex attack.
Heah: Me too me too! Aiya, but some people study like that one mar.
Me: But they should at least be more considerate lor. Doing it like this is very annoying.
Heah: But you get to learn when they discuss also ma.
Me: Not my way alright. I'll get really pissed and annoyed. To me, it's as if they're showing how much they know and all, and I just cannot accept to be with someone who's like that lor. I get really suffocated and... u know lar... feel so stupid like that lor. When I'm so pek-chek, no matter what I won't be able to learn anything.

I need my single room. STAT!

I need my corner to be alone.

I don't need you guys in my room.

And I definitely don't want you guys talking about what you predict would come out in the exam when I'm trying to read.

Show-off. Go talk outside!


14 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

Haiks! I was expecting for the continuation of Feline invasion (Part 2) - Dr Bong as Midwife!!!

Your room woes reminds me the time I lived in an American boarding school with a Japanese room mate. He was a chain smoker who smoked 2 packs a day even inside the room while I was asleep. So I had to sleep under thick blanket, often in undies or naked. Whoooaa! When he brought his female friend over to discuss homework, I often nearly died under the blanket for fear of embarrassment! I hated sharing too. Later I moved out to a condo and shared bedroom with a Korean which had 2 single beds. Some wknds he took a gal back while I was away and screwed her on my BED!!!!!! Damn him!

Medie007 said...

EEEEEEEWWWW... ur bed as the love-making site. got cum stain or not?

.:: Ant ::. said...

Wow, Granny Twilight's comment can be a post in itself! lolz

Me feel baby Doc would't mind if the study groupie turned into an orgy! :P lolz


Medie007 said...

LOL @ Ant's reply. But I suppose baby Doc pretty mind lor.

TZ said...

hmmm.... it's better to have your own room even better to have your own place... During my Uni time ... the first 2 years i have a roomie but my final year i had my own place ... hehehehe :p

Medie007 said...

grrrr... if only i could lor...

叶子 said...

Bong, try to calm down. being panic is just another time wasting matter... Slow and steady. You know during 1st and 2st year, I was always the slowest in revision, couldnt finished most of the syllabus and forgot most thing.

Yes, they can be giving you stress in that way, you just go somewhere else study la... don't be angry, not worth it. soon you'll get single room back UM. Just, calm down your mind and study bit by bit. No need to compare yourself to other.

All the best... I mean it. ^_^

V said...

just lucky that ur roomie didn't hump anyone on ur bed!! ;P

KY said...

I used to share room with my brother, which wasn't convenient as well. Now I feel much better to have my own master bedroom... with own toilet...keke. So go and get your own room!!!

A Common Singaporean said...

Thumbs up for you!

This isn't appropriate for a father to say, ... ahem... but orgy's fine..., er... if you are not a dad.

I just got a ticket straight to hell for that.

I know I am talking out of point here. But you can learn from Twilight's room mate. Drag a hot chick to your room and deafened those bastards with your bangs and drive those guys out.

Shit. I just score another to hell..

Twilight Man said...

Never had stains but much later I found strands of long hair and thought female ghosts slept on my bed. I found used condoms thrown in our bedroom dustbin and freaked out. Some Koreans are like the dogs they eat! Bluek!
Kaneeneh Anton perli me wor!

Medie007 said...

JN, thanks. the same goes too you too! Gambate gambate!

Queen B, CB if he dare! LOL

KY, envy envy! grrrr... i tot u stay with ur family?

Medie007 said...

ACS, I wonder if u've erm... eeewww... :P

Twilight, are u sure that condom wasn't urs?

A Common Singaporean said...

I am a good father and a well behaved boy.

Such acts are reserved for hot young bloods studying in Universities...
