Sunday, March 08, 2009

On the One Hour Steps

B: He'll definitely asked me where I went. I mean like, it was supposed to be a whole night date and I wouldn't be able to join them, but then now I was like, I'm coming for a while...

H: Haha. And you said you were on a date?

B: Yeah I mean, I normally do that.

H: So you're joining them after this?

B: Yeah. After all it's my last few nights in civilization. You wanna come? They were dying to see who I'm dating. Haha.

H: Don't want lah. Shy... So what are you going to tell him?

B: Me? Hmmm... I told him earlier that I would be going on a date. And I would go to 'our' place. If you know what I mean. So he was like, ooooh, sex... Okay you're excused for this time.

H: Whoa... Hahaha. Then you can tell him you did different steps.

B: Oh my God! Indeed indeed. Haha. One hour of different steps. Kama Sutra!

0 Jujus: