Saturday, March 21, 2009

On the Last Minute Suffocate

This happened when I was still in Maran really. I just remembered how frustrated and suffocated and angry I was that night when I got back from one of the field trips.

I received a call from the secrateriat of the 8th Biennial Convention of the ASNA one hour before 5pm, and was reminded to reply the confirmation email by the following day. I was frantically messed up and panicked because internet connection was really unstable.

It took me about an hour before I managed to get the Hotmail to be displayed and getting all the forms uploaded, that was just right before I noticed that I also need to attach my registration ID for the convention.

I, well I mean, under the supervision of our supervisor, submitted our elective work last year for a poster presentation at the convention. Registration fee costed 500 bucks per person, so I was the only one in the group to receive a sponsorship from Novartis.

And I had the slightest bit of idea what I had to do, except to write up the poster according to the abstract that I submitted. So I thought the registration was taken care of. I mean, naturally it would be right? After all, I have the sponsorship and everything.

But I didn’t know what my registration ID was, and I rummaged through the entire inbox looking for a mail from the supervisor about my registration. The email from ASNA that I had was only to confirm about the acceptance of the abstract. And I didn’t recall me registering online whatsoever.

One of the mails that I received from the supervisor reminded me about the sponsorship letter. I was so relieved that I had the letter in the car all along, that I didn’t leave it in Klang. But the letter inside the envelope didn’t state any registration number either. So I panicked all over again.

I was so annoyed with everyone who tried to ask me about the other report (about the project we were doing in Maran). I was so suffocated, and the slow connection and loading speed didn’t help.

And then finally, I remembered that I DID receive a text message about my registration.

Hallelujah Thank God!

It was finally sent. The reply form and the 4 digit registration ID.

I hope everything will be settled and I shall carry on being the medie struggling to pass the exam juggling between study, convention preparation and the workload as a chief editor. I feel so suffocated.

Rest assured, I got a reply from the lady about my reply and oh well, looking forward for the convention in April!

2 Jujus:

Medie007 said...

pretend you didn't see the email address? hehehe

but yeah, i chat on msn. so there you go.

Paul Figaro J said...

u really a big head prawn......u know what is that?? "dai tau ha" in cantonese