Tuesday, November 25, 2008

On the Change

This is a fore-dated post. Scroll for the next post if you've read this. Otherwise, you may want to squint your eyes for a bit.

Here's the case scenario. Some ladies who worked with my Dad apparently came across this blog and coincidently read about all those phone-calls posted before that they asked my Dad if I'm actually gay. That took Dad by surprise and he came to see the blog for himself. So, Dad thought it was outrageous of me to write something yet to be acceptable in the country that he asked me to clear it up a bit. He didn't object me from writing, but he objected me from writing sensitive stuff. Fine. I'll listen to him. But I'm not cleaning my blog just because someone else think it's not right. But I've made ammends, I changed the URL, my blog title, even my authorship name. So I hope they won't be able to find it. I tried on google, just ended up at unregistered blog. Unless they have some other access through some of the links of another blog. Which, after I changed my add, I'll only let certain people know.

But here's the thing. If ''these ladies'' so apparently are still able to find the blog, even after I changed my url, and changed some layouts, and still continue to read about my dirty little mind about unacceptable stuff, just leave it as it be. I have my freedom to write whatever I want. And it's my blog for goodness sake. You know the blogger, so what? And to spread it out to everyone else in the office and tell everyone that the author of the blog is the son of someone who is also in the office, what good does that brings you? Sorry to say, but I think there's no point of being so kepoh about it.

Worse, who are you to judge me? It's the internet. There's nothing wrong with getting connected through the internet and to make friends with other people. Homosexual or not, they're still human beings trying to make a living on this earth. And it's not in our power to discriminate. Even if you're uncomfortable, just leave it. What's the point of making a hoo-hah out of it huh?

So yeah, I'm pissed. So yeah, that's why I changed the URL. I don't feel like shutting it down, and I don't want the ladies to know, and I told my Dad I'll do ammends, so this is what I did.

Now... You my dear readers (other than the ladies who told my dad), you shall proceed to the next post. Enjoy your read. Love y'all! Muaks...

ps: I'm still Ah Bong nonetheless. ^^ Cheers.

7 Jujus:

.:: Ant ::. said...

Bong ~ yup, wuz wondering ealier as to why i wuz rejected fm entering ur old URL. Guess there are ways to find if you juz put a lil' effort into it! hehe

Have a great week ahead! ^_^


Little Dove said...

The change is noted :)
You are not only protecting yourself but also your loved ones.

JC said...

Luckily you came to my blog and left a comment, otherwise I wont be able to know where you went to. LOL. And I hate being rejected lo for your info.

Anyways, if you really happen to be in Mid Valley during the edu fair, please do say hi to me, tell me that you are ah bong. let my life be happier. LOL.

It will be on the 13 & 14 if I am not mistaken. And you know how I look like =) Oh yea, by the way, will be working for Taylor's.

Janvier said...

Whoa. Tech-savvy ladies!

nase said...

Now it makes sense!

well, if the need should arise one fine day, just like what I have offered to Alex, I'll be more than happy to speak with your parents and mediate your whole coming out process with them.

Jason said...

Some people just don't know the etiquette of internet. They should learn more.

Anonymous said...

So it seems that the gearbox is still spoilt.. no turning back huh ? =P