Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On Naked Boobs


We were following Dr. Goh for our weekly medical ward rounds, and this week was supposed to be the physical examination (PE) of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Now, I've been reading quite a lot on the PE of CVS, all the basic inspection and palpation and auscultation... But I'm always so curious how do we guys, do palpation on females. Like erm, they have breast! And I erm... just can't imagine... I never seen a real live boob lorh, to be honest. And yeah, I guess I'm also like one of the really innocent male juniors who got laughed at for never have watched blue film lorh.

Well, lo and behold, the curiosity somehow was heard by Dr. Goh, and we were led to this Indon lady who was admitted due to a stroke. We drew the curtains, and asked for permission to do PE.


I saw 2 boobs.

Like... erm... Naked boobs. Like... OMG!... I was speechless, very awkward indeed. I tried not to just look at the boobs. But they're like, THERE. Just ready for us to do PE on. I tried not to stare, I was looking at the Dr, and my group members, maybe look at her face, and her legs or her hands, just didn't want to look at the chest. But I was standing at the end of the bed, and I get a really clear view of the patient.

Awkward awkward awkward! My eyessssssssss....

But anyways, the whole bedside teaching went well so to speak. The patient suffered from stroke, most probably due to atrial fibrilation. In layman's term, the heart not beating regularly, leading to the formation of embolism. We got to see the heart beating so clearly, like erm, we saw the chest beating (also the left breast bouncing). It was clearly the heart no doubt. So when we felt for her pulse, it was irregular, poor volume, very hard to palpate indeed.

And when we palpated for her apex beat, which, the righteous way was to place your palm below the breast and feel for the beating heart, you can imagine how clumsy I was, knowing already that I was damn awkward about seeing real live boobs. Honestly, I couldn't feel the beat, All I felt was her breathing, she was having difficulties in breathing, using all her accessory muscles. So all I felt was her intercoastal recessions instead of a beating heart.

And when it came to auscultation, it was the 2nd time I was inches away from her breast. Awkwaaaard! Well at least I got to listen to the galloping sound, though I couldn't really tell what it is all about with the different types of galloping yet. I only know her heart was beating damn fast.

Great... I saw women's boobs. Eeeeeeee.... My eyesssssssssssss!!!

Well truth be told, while in the elevator, I overheard another male colleague of mine who was in the same group telling our seniors it was his first time as well, and yeaps, he said he was very shy about it all too.

But anyways, I do wish her well lah. At a young age like hers, she should be a healthy young lady, not someone lying in the hospital with left sided paralysis due to stroke secondary to atrial fibrillation...

God bless her.

11 Jujus:

Legolas said...

You will see lots of those more in the future, no?

Medie007 said...

yalor... sobs

Darren said...

oh my god.boobs only n u go like...into an ecstasy? lol. pick a woman with atrophied breasts then. lol. wait till u c a dilated pussy of a woman in labour!!:)

Medie007 said...

ecstacy? it's not ecstacy okey.. it's awkward-ness... shy bah...

Pike-chan said...

waaaah boobs!! My eyes!! my eyes!!

Ry said...

such a night mare.
i'm afraid of boobs okay.

they are like, perky and dangly?

savante said...

Plenty more in your future, young man :) I am sure you'll get used to it. Have you done OBGYN yet?

Glog said...

They are just balls up north and they happen to be a little bit bigger...
Think of it like that...

Medie007 said...

pikey: wat's wrong with your eyes? blood ooozing out? LOL

joery, they're women's nipples only lar. ish.

savante, have yet to do ObGyn. Don't tell me, i can imagine. that would be even more horrible. gosh. vah-jay-jay.

glog: balls up north?! there's no testes inside! LOL

Jason said...


I prefer to see them covered.... >.<

Medie007 said...

chill bro, no need to curse.. .:P