Sunday, June 15, 2008

On Disgusting Sons

I came across something while watching Queer As Folk. Very gay, I know. And here's an episode where little boy Justin who's only 17 having a one night stand with the 29 year old playboy Brian being kicked out of the house by his dad. I suppose the conservative families do that. The thing is, I thought the boy's father is a bit too over-reacting. Run into Brian's car, punched him and kicked him outside the bar... But yea, after 7 episodes, I've decided I still don't like Brian. Not at all. He's a hearthrob, I read somewhere he's appearing on Desperate Housewives, but he's a jerk. Like, a total jerk I would punch him if I was there as well.

So after Justin was kicked out, and had no place to go, the playboy still had a little humane in him to let him stay over at his place. That was of course, after stupid Justin kept on bugging him after the first one night stand, and that led to more sexual encounters. I just couldn't understand why that kid still want to stay with him. So what if he's got a 10 inches, but if I were him, God I'm not just going to be a toy for someone 12 years older, with no strings attached. Like hellooo, that cheap? Heck even if I don't have that virgin blossom waiting to be popped, I'm one to believe sex AFTER marriage. That does not apply in the gay community I know.

Okay okay, back to that scene that triggered me to write this post. So Justin was talking to his mum over the phone when Brian got home. His mum was the first to know, and promised to to tell his dad, but in the end she did, and that's when Justin's father started to lose his mind. Mum accepted the fact, though painfully, and wanted her son to come home. But Justin was scared, because it's like denying his life if he does. So he was crying and tried to deny it to Brian.

Brian: You know, it's really not worth crying about.
Justin: I wasn't crying, it's my allergy.
Brian: Your father's an asshole and treats you like shit. He practically tried to kill me. I say, forget about him.
Justin: But he's my dad. I mean, could you forget about your father?
Brian: I already did, a long time ago.
Justin: You mean you never see him, or talk to him?
Brian: What for?
Justin: Hang out, be together.
Brian: Just because he got my mother pregnant doesn't mean there's a special bond between us.
Justin speechless
Brian: He served his purpose, that's what he's good for.
Justin: I can never feel that way about my dad.
Brian: Then you'll always be hurt.

Like uh, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Who the hell thinks like that? So yea your dad would go berserk if he finds out you're gay. But there's something really wrong with the of them anyway. Justin became so rude, that if I were his dad, I would've just killed him. He deserves to rot in hell. And for a 17, he really shouldn't talk back to his parents, what's more with raised voices and cursings. As for Brian, he ought to rot in hell as well. God, it's wrong in the first place to mess with an underage kid. I mean, how hard could it be to even ASK how old is another guy before picking him up? Of course, in the first place, why pick someone up by the roadside?

So, I think both of them are fucked up people. And just don't let me get to how more fucked up that playboy is. Sickening! Disgusting! And annoyed me to bits!

To think of your father like that? Are you even HUMAN? Brian, you're worse than a beast!

Gale Harroled as Brian Kinney, Randy Harrison as Justin Taylor
It's just a drama, so I got dramatic. No offence. I got too engrossed.

13 Jujus:

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't understand how a man who was abused as a child and grew up being told he wasn't wanted could turn into a man who hides his heart from everyone. Even at the end of the pilot, Brian is showing compassion toward Justin by sending him away. He knows the heartache Justin will go through and wants to save him from that. Brian is by far the more vulnerable of the two. Justin has the advantage of a good upbringing with people who loved him. Justin is also a brat who's out to get what he wants, who pushes his way so far into Brian's life that the consequences later in the series are heartbreaking for a man who's kept himself from the pain inflicted by friends and family alike. "Little boy"? Please, Justin is 17 and tough! He is always able to take care of himself. You obviously haven't been further in the series.

Medie007 said...

yea yea. watever.

Anonymous said...

Do you have season 2?? DVD??

Medie007 said...

yeap. dlded.

Ry said...

yeah !
At the end of the day, Happy fathers day,:)

Anonymous said...

Aiyoh! Now only you watch this? I've finished the whole thing. I got the complete set. Hehehe...

When you've finished, you will start to realise that Brian actually has a soft heart in him. He just acts tough outside to protect himself from getting hurt by other people.

Raymond said...

"So the "thumpa thumpa" continues. It always will. No matter what happens. No matter who's president. As our lady of Disco, the divine Miss Gloria Gaynor has always sung to us: We will survive...." - Michael

Medie007 said...

joery: haha. happy fathers day to u too. like u are. lmao

calvin: yea yea everyone said that. but still, i dun like him. bluek.

raymond: that's a wonderful speech. :)

Jason said...

So engrossed with the plot?
If you don't know, many of the ppl out there faces similar situation.

Calvin! I wanna borrow!

Medie007 said...

i am. always get carried away with drama easily.

speaking of which, OMG GREY's ANATOMY is UP!!!

savante said...

Not an easy life after all. I don't think brian wants to be that way but circumstances have probably pushed him into such a role.

Medie007 said...

oh well... i've watched till where he finally agreed to have an open relationship with justin.

H.a.M.s.A.p said...

I got engrossed into the drama too..very very addictive! ^^