Friday, April 25, 2008

... On the DSLR Excuse

Study week started today. It shall be full-fling of library and burrying the head in the notes. Not. I slept a lot instead. Like uh, a LOT. KK asked that we go to the medical school library at 0800. So yea, I did woke up on time and we went to the library at 0800.

10 minutes after sittng down, the eyes started to go sour. And dang, I was already sleeping head down on the notes. Fear not alright, diffusion occured, and the wordings were slowly absorped into the head. *sniggering*

Well... the whole day was some what spent that way. Not really productive for sure. What's more with fungi stuff and immunology stuff to cover. Which, I'm telling you now, is what killed me dead last semester. Sickening stuff. Horrible no doubt, terrible if you ever gets it on your body.

While the day was coming to an end (yea I was in fact counting), the mind started to drift towards the dillema on the camera. My poor baby went down last week, and I was wondering if I should just get a new one, i.e. DSLR, or send it for repair. I did send it in for repair, but I have yet to hear from the Nikon HQ. I wonder when will they call up and tell me the quotation for the repair.

So meanwhile, dad gave greenlight for getting a new bulky camera, although mum said to discuss about it after the exam. But still, the mind cannot stop yearning.I've always wanted one. I've even planned 2 days after the exam before Cambodia to go outing and learn to use the camera. I know it's too short to even master it, but I guess it could at least get me familiarise with the settings and the features.

But the dillema is, it'll cost a limb. I've consulted some fellas who use DSLR cameras, and well, heartpatrick said Canon and Nikon won't go wrong. So I was thinking of getting Canon D40. Which, I'm guessing is priced at 2k plus in the market?

So I did this.

I let probability decide. 50-50.

First pick. Damn.

It's just a trial. Not a real one. So here comes the real one.

Damn. Didn't count. Again again!

DAMN! Didn't count! Re-draw!

YES! Finally! A smiley. I shall get the camera! Yippeee!

Oh well. Of course the draw-lots didn't just depend on the last draw. I figured it'd be unfair for the stop sign. Therefore, thereafter there were more draws. Smiley. Stop. Stop. Smiley. Stop. Smiley. Stop. Smiley . Smiley. Stop. Stop. Smiley. Smiley. Stop. Smiley. Smiley. Smiley.

But nah, I've yet to decide still. I'm just...

Now you know I'm finally scared. The tension is finally kicking in. The first years' result were out today. 156 passed. 54 failed. And of the 54, 12 were Chinese. And they're required to take supplement classes. There were only five A students, but no distinction student. I am in no position to comment, as I barely passed mine, but I think it's quite a bad record in the entire history of the medical school.

I. Am. Scared. Shit. Seriously.

6 Jujus:

Katetricia said...

focus focus.

Pay attention or you pay the price =)

William said...

Kate, that'll only remind him of his camera.

M|key^^ said...

Saliva got wet ur notes bor? :x wakaka

Medie007 said...

kate & william: it's reminded either way. LOL

mikey: HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!

Jason said...

oh.. you're so free.

Medie007 said...

jason: -.-"