Ooo yay.. SO it's the first post of February, supposedly still a winter up north, but hey, spring is less than a week away! And since everyone's in the mood to welcome the spring, I shall do some spring-y celebration up on my blog too.
Touched down safely way past midnight two days ago. Was wearing the first jeans ever in my entire life. Sis was shocked when we were on our way to the airport. Mum was surprised I'd get myself a pair since I told them over and over I never want to wear jeans! And bro was saying, I looked young! Holy... Ah well, things change. *sniggering*
Apparently, haven't been back for half a year, or so I think, there's no vast changes in the city, but there is indeed spring-y talk in the city. And by spring here, I meant the new shopping mall. Finally some decent mall in the city. YAY! It's called The Spring. I've read about the mall in some other blogs before, so I was really excited about it. Seriously! The pictures in the net gave some idea how it'd be like, and mum and bro kept on talking spring-y as well. So, with that, how would I not be looking forward to step into that place!
Anyway, I finally went spring-y last night with the family. Dad was pretty reluctant, considering it's 7.p., and that we're all pretty sure the place would be flock-ed up with residents of the city. But our persuasion made us all ended up in the big new whitish marble-y mall in 10 minutes. Not that crowded for sure. But definitely there's traffic. Ah well, our instincts are always right. Saw Lifecafez from afar. What a small world! *LMAO*I wouldn't say the mall lived up to what I expected. But generally, I'd rate her a 6 of 10, with Pavillion being a 10. The area is big enough, but they should really consider having a 3rd floor and a 4th floor and get more designer shops here. *teeeheee* They don't really have a centre court or what not like those of Mid Valley or Pavillion where you could stage performances and such. But then again, we all presumed the management haven't thought about that. The area coverage, is odd. Not a rectangular. But rather a "Z" shape. Perpendicular I mean. The fountain is special, but the tiles.... Oh dear.... With that special fountain, they should seriously get something slightly more expensive then the cheap blue little 5x5 tiles! *LMAO* But hey hey, I'm not going to go all hoo-hah criticizing that place, since it's like, the first ever decent mall in the city, and the least I could do would give her an applouse right? Well, all I'm hoping for, population in the city would grow, and more developers would invest in the place and more MALLS. *LOL*
Yet, I know that hope would be pretty much too impossible. Youngsters like us are flying to the national capital, and very few would actually consider coming back once they're settled there, unless of course, they can't adapt to the "cultural shock" of moving from a little city to a large city. *LMAO* Yea yea, I too haven't considered of coming back... I'd suggest to my parents we keep the house we have here, and we'd make this city our holidays escapade. The air is very much cleaner than in KL, less traffic, more greeneries. *LOL*Back to spring-y talk... There's finally... MPH! *cheshire-cat grin* Not that I'm all hooo-hah about MPH, but hey, finally there's some decent bookstore that sells English novels here. At the very least Bro won't beg to go to Kinokuniya and shop for books like mad everytime he's over there. And oooh, the first ever Manhattan Fish Market too! Kenny Rogers is attempting the 2nd time opening a branch in the city, the 1st by the river-side closed down after a couple of months. Anyways, I just hope the restaurants will still be running in half a year. It seriously is a tough job maintaining a restaurant like that over here.'s obvious Tony Roma's or Italianies are never ever going to make it over here in the near future... *LMAO*
So yeap. Home sweet home. Will definitely go all festive... oooh and the food too! :P Just that, I'm soooo not going to help out in the spring cleaning this year. Mum and dad pretty much cleaned up the house. Pity bro had to suffer the hardwork all alone too. *sniggering*
Saturday, February 02, 2008
About the Talk of Town
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11 Jujus:
congrats for the jeans ! keep it up :D take a pic n blog about it lar~
So, you are from Kuching! I love ths city, it's a very peaceful city, good to retire, but not so much for climbing the corporate ladder. Happy CNY!
Hey, as a matter of fact, there'd be 3rd and 4th floor, for GSC, LOL
jane, i did have a pic on the jeans lar... i've even got the link in the post wat... :P
mr rainbow, no i'm not from kuching. i'm live in a tree remember? sarawak=forest. LMAO
ethan... ethan who? hahahahhaa... GSC?! SERIOUSLY! HOLY MAMA!!! kuchingite finally have a GSC! YAY!!! LOL
oh new mall.. any zara? or at least topman? ahaha
Oh, that's Kuching. I was wondering where this place was! All the sweetest boys come from S'wak :)
famez... takde zara lar.. no top shop also... ony got G2, Seed got, they're opening Guess soon... that's pretty much all... FOS, Levis, Primadora or sth...
Paul... haha... yeaps... that's kch. :P
Hey, the FIRST thing I touch down in KCH this time is not the food, but it's the mall who attract me more this time...hahahah...thou I still miss the food very much! And I ate kolo mee 30 mins after I touch
Well, I totally agree with wat u I told u in sms, I think the 5x5 tiles is a very big issue and I heard my mum told me, they employed the best designer from NZ and if not mistaken, it's the one and only design in the "world", I dunno how true is tat...and i doubt..with that tiles...Errghh...
Well, overall I will only rate her 4/10. The lighting is not that good, at least they shud used yellow lighting like in Mid Valley or The Garden. Then the tiles on the floor...not the shinny type...some more i can see some dirt on it adi...
YAY! It's MPH! That's the first thing I told my mum, finally there's a bookstore in KCH! Afterall, we just have times, so damn pity~ Hopefully they can sustain the business lor :P
Tell you what, I purposely dun sms u whether will u go to The Spring anot and see can we bump to each other...and... we really did! Hahahah...Let's come out and have a gathering lor...we always meet in KL, this time...kch diff a bit, at least it's our home! Blek :P
hahaha walao eh LC... u're so stingy with ur ratings! hahahahah
shits lar ony eat 30 mins after touchdown, i ony go eat kolo mee one day later lei. hohoho
sure, will see when i got the free time lar.. school project need to finish up first, but u know lar.. at home hor, nothing can be done one... sish... :P
cheh.. i mean, U WEARING IT and take a pic n blog bout it, shud take 'historical momentos'..Lol lol
:D :D :D i missed tat historical moment tho
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