Sunday, May 12, 2013

On the Nobel Prize Medal Amongst the Oscars

Nobel Prize.The highest ever regarded award that one could ever achieve.

Established in 1895 by the Swedish philanthropist inventor Alfred Nobel, the prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace were first awarded in 1901. The various prizes are awarded yearly. Each recipient, or laureate, receives a gold medal, a diploma and a sum of money, which is decided by the Nobel Foundation. As of 2012, each prize was worth 8 million SEK (c. US$1.2 million, €0.93 million). The prize is not awarded posthumously; however, if a person is awarded a prize and dies before receiving it, the prize may still be presented. Though the average number of laureates per prize increased substantially during the 20th century, a prize may not be shared among more than three people.

So while we were touring the Collagium Maius in the Jagiellonian University, we came across a glass shelf housing some trophies. The first that caught my attention was of course, non other than the Oscars.

But after that, I began to notice what powerful and talented alumni this old university has... Winners of major international film fest, Olympian and what nots...

Of course, what reached to me the most was this medal...

The Nobel medal...

Bestowed upon Mdm Wisława Szymborska,Polish poet, essayist, translator and regarded as the Mozert of Poetr, she donated the medal to the university.

I began to wonder now though... what on earth can I do to ever receive this high an award and recognition? Hmmm... But considering how lazy I am, perhaps I should just be satisfied with looking at this picture. LMAO.

1 Jujus:

Small Kucing said...

hey maybe someday you will get the Nobel Prize....