Thursday, August 02, 2012

On the Old Ice Kacang Shop

So while we were in Malacca, we walked along Jalan Bunga Raya hunting for food. After all, we have had enough of that ABC in Jonker88. And this one by the road looked equally as nice. Aside from the fact that our PM visited the stall once before and the photos of his visit were pasted all over the stall, ABC here was... nice.

Okay. I admit I'm not a good food critic. Never was, never have been and never will. LOL.

But it's nice really. HAHA.

2 Jujus:

Small Kucing said...

nice say nice

bad say bad.

that is good enough already la. This review baru believable mah.

Honest review


Twilight Man said...

I am also not a food critic when a Grandma should be. I remember that Jalan Bunga Raya got one shop selling very nice baked jam tarts!!