So I was in town, and I asked if the big brother wanted to meet up for a dinner or something. Little did I know he'd think of it as a 'special occasion' and asked quite a number of people. LOL. *happy*
There's minimal choice of beer to choose from. Tiger Heineken Guinness and Paulaner. No price for correctly guessing which I chose. No other German beers though, although Hoegaarden is so commonly available nowadays. But I guess Paulaner was not that bad.
Flipped the menu to see a double chocolate cake picture and we had that on our table the next thing I knew. It was rich in chocolate. Very rich. So much so it felt like a thick pudding or something. LOL.
But what was nice was the chilled salted pork dish. Okay, biased view. I'm a carnivore that's why. But honestly, it was really nice.
Spent like 3 hours chatting and gossiping about the least likely stuffs that night, LOL. And we left when all of us were trying hard to keep our lids open. Or maybe just me. Hah.
1 Jujus:
Your drinking binge is back!
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