Wednesday, August 22, 2012

On the Gift for the Parents



That's like...

One third of my monthly pay...

But oh well...

It's mine anyway.

Just that I don't get to make full use of it.


5 Jujus:

I AM A BLOGGER said...

hahahaha, it is worth it~
enjoying life~

Robinn T said...

1/3 whoa that's like close to 5k.

Twilight Man said...

Goodness!! You owe me agood treat, rich man!!

I like that set. Can I borrow for a week?

Medie007 said...

OMG! Tempus!!!! it's NOT! it's only 1/3 of what u expect!

TZ said...

*taking out TZ's wish list and pass to Medie007
Can you please fulfill my wish?