Monday, May 09, 2011

On Complaining about Towerthon

Pardon my bitchiness. Complaining helps relieve stress. LOL

First and foremost, THE MEDAL!

Okay, well not ugly. Like I said in my previous post, the more I looked at it, the more I'm liking it. I think it's quite pretty, especially the front where they've embossed the logo of this year's night towerthon.

But the rear... Gosh, I was shocked when I first received it. I thought I received a half-done medal. But when I double checked with my friend's, who by the way, didn't notice it, and then he too, started to cry foul. Then he uttered, luckily we got the early bird registration of only 25 bucks. Hmmm... Maybe that's why they didn't finish the medal properly? LOL.

Secondly... Well... I couldn't really think of what else on the organizer's end. But on the participants' end, plenty.

1) It's already a narrow staircase, we don't need spilled water and empty cups and bottles on the staircase for God's sake. Haven't you all read the information sheet distributed? Have some courtesy please, these hazards could cause injury! We're not running on a flat road for Heaven's sake.

2) Going down via the elevator was a havoc. Participants were crowded in front of the doors and when the doors were opened, I was practically pushed in! WTF people!? Don't you all queue? You won't die from waiting for another minute! Where were the orders?! Going down the tower faster entitles you another medal too? Heck.

3) Little bits here and there, not really bad stuff. Just me getting annoyed with some conversations some boys were shouting in my ear.

BUT... Overall it was an enjoyable event. I had a great time inside the towers. I didn't suffocate! LOL!

Now, what should we do with the bare face of the medal?

Then again, I suppose there's justification it's empty at the back. 'Cuz the more I think about it, it's not even a running event. You climbed to the top of the tower, so that's it. What is there to finish about right?

But then... medals from previous years look far much more memorable. LOL

Oh wait... were the medals empty in the other face all along?

6 Jujus:

Anonymous said...

your design for the rear was pretty nice.

Small Kucing said...

not bad la...Just not enough organise

Robinn T said...

haha complain summore! okay la.. well, plenty of us complained about the back of the medal also. like why ain't there date or whatever.. yet, still a great experience!

Twilight Man said...

It was tough and you made it! It reminds me of the day tsunami hit Aceh and my condo shook violently, sending hundreds of us down the stairs in pajamas! LOL

You should take grandma's crown now that you are a complaints-bitch!

Gratitude said...

complain complain complain nia

[SK] said...

hmmm, looks like lots of things you need to complain for the "thons" you've joined recently huh?? :D