Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Kegel's Exercise

... is an exercise to strengthen the pelvic muscles, specifically designed for the ladies who suffered from urethral prolapse.

How do I start my pelvic muscle training?
At first you may need to perform these exercises while sitting. As the muscles strengthen you can progress to exercise standing up. Like any activity, start w
ith what you can achieve and progress from there. Remember to use your muscles whenever you exert yourself during your daily activities.

If you can feel the muscles working, exercise them by:
1. Squeezing / tightening and drawing in and up around both your anus (back passage) and urethra (bladder outlet). Lift up inside and try to hold this contraction strongly for as long as you can (1 - 10 seconds). Keep breathing! Now release and relax. You should have a definite feeling of letting go.

2. Rest 10 - 20 seconds - repeat Step 1, and remember it is important to rest. If you find it easy to hold, try to hold longer and repeat as many as you are able. Work towards 12 long, strong holds.

3. Now try 5 - 10 short, fast strong contractions.

  • do NOT hold your breath
  • do NOT push down instead of squeeze and lift
  • do NOT pull your tummy in tightly
  • do NOT tighten your buttocks and thighs.

Try to set aside 5 - 10 minutes in your day for this exercise routine, and remember, quality is important. A few good contractions are more beneficial than many half-hearted ones and good results take time and effort. Remember to use the muscles when you need them most. That is, always tighten before you cough, sneeze, lift, bend, get out of a chair, etc.

But... I've also came across something interesting!

The exercise is recommended for treating prostate pain and swelling that result from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate gland. It is used as a first step for treating urinary incontinence. It may be beneficial for reducing pre-mature ejaculation, and other sexual benefits have been reported.

Even more interesting, there's a way to feel if you're really working on the correct muscles. Wanna know how?

"The pelvic floor muscles will grow stronger,
and she could feel your Mr P traveling wilder in her Miss V."

6 Jujus:

[SK] said...

oh interesting, let me try this excersise.. :p

Gratitude said...

Oo i agree with SK.
Kegel starts tonight! lolz

William said...

Will you posting a diary of your progress here?

Medie007 said...

hahaha go go try and blog about it. :P

Jennifer West said...

Wikipedia's entry about Kegel exercises points out that these exercises are for women who are preparing for the stresses of pregnancy and birth. So it's also applicable for men. Oh, one more thing. That's a nice quote in the end. Hahaha!

thomas said...

lets me clarify something...
kegel exercise( i would like to call it as PFM exercise) to strengthen it, we must perform two type, 1 is slow twitch ( d 1 that you show) another 1 is fast twitch (where no hold are needed) these are focus on the different muscle fiber on the PFM muscle ( slow twitch and fast twitch) and for us we gt to modified the difficulties of the exercise... well this exercise is good nt only for women bt also for men. for those who having prolapse uterus, incontinence, some of them suggest can boost up the sexual performance.
well, there are also many advance things happen inside there, where PFM muscle can be use to treat the back pain( it must be based on the assessment frm the therapist).....
for the texting, there are two version,one is thru anus and another 1 is between anus and ur testis you can felt the contraction on it.

jz to sharing, so nx time u cn refer your incontinence, prolapse uterus pt for us.... :)