Saturday, May 01, 2010

On the Dude and the Duchess

Guess what I came across in Bangsar Village the other day. Semi nude dummies arranged to face their shop's display window.

Caught my attention for sure. :P


Fine, I admit I haven't been much of a shopper, I haven't even been to Bangsar that much, in fact, I've only walk to as far as D&D is and turned around to the old wing of BV before headed home.

But with google, rest assured you have no qualms about this brand. Just induldge yourself in their official website, it's cool enough. LOL Otherwise, Tongue in Chic wrote quite a good review about it too.

2 Jujus:

TZ said...

I wonder how people look if they just wear the shirt not the pants and walk along the street ... >.>

William said...

They have cool shirts.