Sunday, January 13, 2013

On Trailing Beijing #10: Temple of Heaven and Earth

The few monumental buildings that one mustn't miss on his/her visit to Beijing would probably be the Great Wall, Tian'An Square, Forbidden City and of course the Temple of Heaven and Earth; where the Emperors made sacrifices and convey gratitudes or asked for rain. Somewhat. For crops-growing.

It's amazing that the Chinese preserve all these structures of course. But being one of the few buildings ever built in the ancient times, land was widely available. And hence, large compounds. So years after, the grounds surrounding the buildings were converted into parks. Like the one in this temple..

Where locals dance...

Promoting their calligraphy writing skills...

 Or chess...

And there was this interesting giant bell used to tell time in the past.
Hit it once and your wish come true.
Hit it 10 times and you'll be a God.

But of course, we only knew later that the "center of the universe" was the slab of marble in the middle of the raised platform surrounded by 9 pillars, and multiples of 9s, where, if you stood on it and start shouting, Gods would be able to hear.

I was pretty disappointed with what's contained inside the 3 storey pagoda though, having the impression there would be some lavish altar or what nots. But true enough, the carvings on the roof were just so delicate it anyone would "Wow" away...

Nice place to chill alright...

2 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

Honestly it was my childhood dream to see Temple of Heavens. So I made the trip to Beijing just to see this temple, more than wanting to see the Great Wall. Your photos are nice and lovely as usual.

Small Kucing said...

amazing. wonderful photo. Captured the essence there