Friday, February 17, 2012

On the Ordination of a Nun

Walked quite a distance to Wat Benchamabophit, also known as the Marble Temple, mainly because the wall and the ground and the pillar... were built of Italian marble.

Coincidentally, when we were there, we came across the ordination of a nun! And there were foods and tables and it seemed as though people are celebrating it.

The Nun-to-be, or maybe a novice, led by a few kids, were celebrated for, assuming, the decision she made. So they circled around the temple for a few rounds, before finally entered the main hall.

And I started to wonder: Should I ever be in the shoes of the nun-to-be, the strongest person standing against it would be?


Oooh wait, this is my 2nd first! First time seeing the ordination of a nun. Well, at least part of it.

0 Jujus: