Monday, January 31, 2011

On the 2 Hour in-Flight Torture

Slept my way to the airport yesterday... Was pretty sure I snored. LOL. What? I was tired okay!? LOL.

But that's the problem. Since I slept for 1 hour in the taxi, the remaining journey on the plane was a torture. We were on Air Asia you see. So it's pretty normal flights get delayed, especially when the plane reached late to the place where they're supposed to come into KL from. And that means, because the plane arrived late to the last destination, they departed late from that place to KL. So... our 1940 flight, was delayed till 1600.

And then we finally boarded the plane. Waited for some 20 minutes before the captain made an announcement. "Sorry for the delay. We need to wait for some documentation clearance. A few more minutes." And that few more minutes seems like half an hour. And I started to feel... un.comfortable.

The seat's too straight. Can't lower it or else the bitchy steward would come and hoo-hah.

But finally, we took off. Ahhh... blissful. I thought I dozed off.

But I woke up halfway. It was just 10 minutes into the entire journey. Another 1.5 hours to go. Tried to force myself to sleep. But I can't even manage to get my mind off thinking how sore the butt and the back was.

So the entire journey, I was going in and out of partial sleeping, the longest snooze was probably 5 minutes. Remained semi-conscious all the time, shifting my position because the pelvic bone seemed to have cause some impingement on some nerves in the butt and the entire leg was numb. And not forget the back! Ugh...

I was literally counting the time whenever I was awake. 1 hour to go... 55 minutes... 45 minutes... ... ... ... finally, the last 10 minutes before the estimated arrival time. God, couldn't wait to get off the plane...

But nope, the plane seemed to have lingered in the air for quite some time despite the captain announced that we're reaching soon. (Sometimes I think the word should be banned. It doesn't indicate exactly how soon it is, there's no exact time frame!). And I was getting pretty restless. The sore on the lower back and the butt was really killing me. Let's not forget the pain inside the ear! Gosh that was the worse. Was literally gasping for air, opening the mouth trying to release the pressure in the inner ear but everything was in vain. It was a rock-band inside the ear!

Finally when we touched down, when I thought it would finally be over, the torture was dragged for another 5 minutes or so as the plane looked for the parking bay. I was almost erupting with impatience when the in-flight lights were switched on. We finally came to a halt.

And everyone impatiently stood up to open the overhead compartment, all waiting along the aisle to leave. For the first time after flying so many times, I thought I didn't sneered at how kiasu these people are. Because I was dying to leave too.

Oh gosh. I've never thought I'd start to not like flying...

4 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

I normally pay extra to get front row's seat. I know how torturing to sit 90 degrees upright. I would scream lah! Gong Xi Fa Cai Doc!

Danny said...

as long as u reached home safely. :)
happy holidays :))

joshua said...

as danny said, arriving home safely is still the best ending to any journey!


Vincent~ said...

imagine my 13 hour flight. *shudders* i always dread that. ugh