So one day I was driving right, and I was listening to the on the radio right, and they were talking about the Flyclubaccess thing right, and that this weekend in Mist Club Bangsar they're going to do some Christmas theme right, so there's this chance of winning 4 invited passes to the party lor. So, I ma play play texted in the thing and sent in lor. Then hor... Ow Emm Gee lor. The lady called me wor. Wahhhh!! So surprise wei... Really lor. But right, the lady was asking me question right, and I ma tried to talk properly lor. I was driving ma that time. And she so smart she knew I was, so she said she would make it short lor. I knew it was a pre-record lor, because that time the radio was still playing some songs lor. So I anticipated that she will broadcast it after the song, so I quickly stopped by at the roadside and listen carefully lor. I wanted to record my voice mar, I was on national radio wor. Don't play play leh.
Lo and behold, when I heard my recordings on the radio, I was exactly like that. I was sort of annoyed with my own pronunciation of "cool", when I actually pronounced it as "coo-wool", like, what the heck?! Maybe I tried too hard. But when I listen to myself over and over again on my phone recorder, the more disgusted I was. LMAO. And on top of that, I thought my pitch was on the higher end, tenor much? Pretty frilly, as if it was the voice of a boy who hasn't reached puberty. No hoarseness that a man should have, you know what I mean?
I did tried to record my own speaking before, and back then I already knew I sounded so "show-off" kind, and I pledged to change. But I guess I didn't manage to. Blame it on my story-telling training with a Kiwi-bred teacher when I was younger? LOL.
But that aside, I'm going to a Christmas Party tonight! Wooot wooots! Starts at 11pm and expected to end only at 3am. I'm wondering how am I going to run tomorrow. Blergh. What the heck, party first, worry later right? Now now, who else are coming? :D
ps: By the way, erm, who's that lady hosting the 6pm slot? HAHAHAHA! I usually just listen to the crapping and the songs, and I seldom actually paid attention to who's the dj! Ooops, sorry ma'am.
ps2: Who is Prema Yin?! Tried to youtube her, and turned out some rock singer. Wondering if I'd actually enjoy her rocking to Christmas songs...
5 Jujus:
I was invited to go to this party too... See you then :)
sometimes we try too hard to impress, don't you think?
hey Jason..i tot all live voices one.. didnt know they record it first.. just in case, i guess.. last time patrick teoh's radio show, all live.. i guess now they want to be on the safe side..
anyway, congrats on being radio live!!
May you have a great time at the party.
I dont like my recorded voice also
Coo-Coo-Wool-Wool...LMAO!!! Wakakaaka! So cute!
Upper East Side is orang kaya's realm meh? I thought Hamptons is...
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