Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On the Bird Shit

Our canteen in the hostel, is the typical hostel canteen, open air where, in the sense that there are no walls, just a roof to shed the whole place. So, while the crows hang out in the tree next to the dining hall, we're actually eating our lunches and dinners just next to the tree. Literally. Sometimes, if we were lucky, when we leave our food on the table unattended to wash our forks and spoons, we'd come back noticing a piece of chicken missing. If you wouldn't already guess who the thief was.

So one day, during an afternoon class, my friend exclaimed at the sight of me. "Eeeeew! Your coat's dirty!"

"Where? Where??"

"At the back."

I tried to pull the coat and wanted to see what's bothering her. To my horror, "OMiGOSH! EEEEEWWW!!!!"

Throughout the whole class, I was jittery and restless to the maximum. This dirt is not something usual. Definitely not from the wards. I can still tolerate blood even, but this... Eeew... The picture of the dirt ran through in my mind over and over again.

One hour later, while the rest of the group continued to the ward for ward work, I decided to head back. I just couldn't stand walking around with that stain at my back. It's just way toooo embarrassing. On my way back to my room, I held the coat with my right hand, one hand apart from myself.

It's most likely I sat on a chair where the crow dropped their gold. -.-"

3 Jujus:

Reanaclaire said...

hey...chinese saying .. Shit is Gold.. maybe u strike some sort of big cash these few days! hahaha..

Gratitude said...

You're blessed, my dear bro Rofl!

Small Kucing said...

Ya ya....agree with Claire. Time to go buy num