Monday, November 15, 2010

On the Deranged Test

While we were at the clinic, we took advantage of the lab one day. We drew our own blood and sent it to the lab to do some test. I mean, well, I am healthy. But, quoting a friend of mine, we've never done any blood tests and we always thought we are healthy, but what if?

Turned out, my blood urea nitrogen (BUN) as well as my uric acid was elevated! W-T-F?

Upon reaching home, the first thing I did was to do some research online. I mean, if this were the results of the patient, I'd have thought probably it was dehydration or something, nothing serious. The serum creatinine, which is a more specific test for the kidney functions, was not raised. Plus, it could also be due to some high-protein diet.

But then. It's MINE! I couldn't just rest the case with that explanation! I could have renal failure!

Wikipedia had some similar ideas too.

An elevated BUN in the setting of a relatively normal creatinine may reflect a physiological response to a relative decrease of blood flow to the kidney (as seen in heart failure or dehydration) without indicating any true injury to the kidney. However, an isolated elevation of BUN may also reflect excessive formation of urea without any compromise to the kidneys.
While that of any elevation of uric acid is multifactorial, I think I'd just settle with dehydration that leads to poor kidney function. Although, maybe there might be some hereditary factors in my case as well. But I'd rather not think I have any of those metabolic syndrome. I mean, my blood pressure were always normal, and my blood glucose were fine too. So, yeah...

I know it's not quite right to trust in this not-medically-proof-read site, as how our professors put it, but I suppose it's the fastest result I could get hold of. :P

6 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

You are too young to have uric acid issues unless your diet has been grossly unhealthy. Must blame Yeun's shrimps!

Reanaclaire said...

that reminds me... i have to do some blood test in December.. aiks!

[SK] said...

hmmm, maybe should cut down the shrimps already~~ :p

TZ said...

That goes our yuen's bloggers hangout place... Anyway, I think I need to do the blood test too. 

Vincent~ said...

there's no need to be paraniod, wikipedia isnt tat reliable.-___-

Jessyca said...

Ah! 4 years I didn't do medical check up already :p