Thursday, October 14, 2010

On Thin-Face (Prt 2): Single Mother

I approached the mother of a pregnant lady and asked for the antenatal booking record which she did in another government clinic. And I posed the question with much curiosity.

"Pardon me Ma'am. I learnt from your daughter that she's a single mother and not married. But I didn't dare to ask further. Do you mind if I ask you what actually happened?"

"No, sure... Actually... she didn't want to get married. She chose not to."

"What happened to her husband?"

"No no, she's not married..."

"I mean, the father of the baby... What happened?"

"Still around. Just that my daughter didn't want to get married. I mean, it's her choice. She said she didn't want to. So I didn't force her too. It's not like she must get married because she's pregnant right?"

As I walked back into the room and passed the note to the lecturer-to-be, she looked at me unhappily, what does the patient's husband do? Why didn't you write anything about that in the note?

I did! There, at the bottom! I wrote she's a single mother, not married, and she stayed with her family.

Lecturer-to-be took a peek, and turned to the patient, and asked the same question.

Patient replied hastily, I'm a single parent. I'm not married.

Lecturer-to-be kept quiet.

I mean, why would she need to raise her voice and show such faces when she could just ask us nicely right? Lecturer or not, we're all human beings. Where's the superiority when we're all on the brink of death? Sometimes I just don't understand why the hell some of the lecturers have to scold us simply...

Later on, as she jotted down her physical findings in the note, she asked me "Don't you want to present the case to me?"

I just kept quiet.

Then she mumbled. Something about vaginal examination. I didn't get what she said. So I didn't do anything. She later took a vaginal examination set and threw onto the bed, stared at me from the corner of her eye, as if I'd offended her or something.

Enough is enough. I turned around and walked out of the room. My heart full of dissatisfaction.

5 Jujus:

carpe diem said...

U did the right thing. These people with inferiority complex always need to act it up to show who is the boss. And almost all of the are of that sex. More often than not they are very tame at home.

LittleLamb said...

F that seniorMO. she or he is too ruthless la. throw the card somemore....

Gratitude said...

An option to resolve her uncalled-for attitude is to ask her softly the next time she acts up as to why she is treating you the way she is. This usually jolts them and puts them in their place. This trick may not work though if she constantly shows disturbing "chi sin" moves. ;)

Thinned-faced and with pouty lips

Reanaclaire said...

gosh.. that is a tough situation... maybe she wants to toughen u up.. so when u walked out like that, will it affect your appraisal marks or performance?

passerby said...

I wouldn't know how it's like in medical school, but at (secondary) school, I was in this kind of situation before. The teacher just had to act as though he was the only person in town who could teach the subject.

Sometimes people become mean when they have power. Inside, I guess they are still nice. May you find peace.