Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On Thin-Face

I told my friend one day after my labor ward calls, that I think I should learn to be more thick-faced. My face too thin, that every single scoldings I got from the senior doctors, my emotions shattered into pieces. My friend couldn't agree more. I see some of them didn't even have any facial expressions despite being scolded to the worse you could imagine. Me? I thought I'd probably jump off the building already.

One day, I presented a case to a senior Medical Officer training to become a lecturer. She asked me what's the gestation age of the patient. I answered, "She said she's 40 weeks."

She asked me, "What's her expected date of delivery?"

"October 10."

"What's the date today?" (It was still September then)

"Not October 10."

"Yeah, so? How can she be 40 weeks?! Are you a medical student? Do you even know how to think? Huh? Are you not a medical student who could do simple calculations?"

I just stared on the floor.

"SO? What's her gestation age?" In a raised voice. In front of the patient. I looked like a dumb at that instance I had no idea where I should hide.

I didn't answer. So, she continued to talk to the patient. I stood there for a minute, wondering should I just walk out of the room. She'd definitely ask me the rest about the patient. But I didn't move. She turned to me again, and asked me to get her booking note from her family outisde. And I sped out as fast as I can... be continued

9 Jujus:

carpe diem said...

Why can't they be a little more humane? I am sure the patient was stressed out too.

Little Dove said...

It's part of the training. You should be used to this as you're already in your fifth year now. Spend more time in the wards and you'll get used to it. Sometimes, if you spend a lot of time in the wards, you become friends with the MO, and they are more likely to teach you than scold you. That's because they see you very often in the ward and you are showing interest to learn. If you only appear once in a while, they don't treat you as nice, just like another stranger meddling in their affairs. I learned this by talking to the MOs and consultants and the long hours spent at the wards.

Paul Figaro J said...

haizz.. poor medie.. see! ask you to take engieering you dont want.. if you take engineering, you'll probably get a senior engineer like me that treat you good.. hahah.... take u for dinner ar... pat u to sleep ar... (no no.. i dont do this to my surbodinate... >.<)

[SK] said...

not good to raise her voice in front of the patient, she should have respect you and do that somewhere else more private..

Gratitude said...

Yah, please slap on the extra layers of skin ;)

smallkucing said...

have to be more thick skin else you will be miserable. Sometimes, people talk without thinking.If know that it's done without manice then should forgive her la

TZ said...

hahaha... put on some make up... a layer of thick make up will protect your thin skin :p

Chris said...

Haha... i want to learn to be thick face also.. MAybe not so sensitive..

Twilight Man said...

What a bitch she was! Slap her!

My doc friend at Pantai-Bangsar advises you to close one eye coz such bitches multiply faster than rabbits. LMAO!