Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On Mum's Advice

Mum called.

"So you driving to Banting? Drive carefully okay? Anybody going together with you?"


"Is the place very outskirt? 1 hour plus drive from PJ wor. But only for 4 weeks right?"

"You know about the latest murder case right? So be careful okay?"


"You are going to deal with the public already. Everything must be careful now. Cannot simply say simply do. Must be careful."


"That place got Chinese one ah? So got Chinese food or not? You all eating out everyday? No canteen at the hostel right?"


"So have to bring ration? Any shops in that place? So you can buy some Milo or instant noodle lor."


It's not open ended question. And she practically answered all her question. I don't know. I mean, I know it's not right of me to grumble. But I guess sometimes she really needs to chill out a little. It's not going to do anyone good worrying over stuff that shouldn't be right? I mean, so yeah, some millionaire cosmetic queen got murdered in some private estate and ashes strewn into the river, but what has that got anything to do with me when I have zilch relationship to cosmetic or the place itself? I suppose the gruesome murder just sort of caused her to went slightly paranoid.

Then again... I guess I'll just let her be and "Nggg..." more... LOL

If my friend read this, he's gonna strangle me. LOL. "Hello! People from Banting drive everyday to Subang or PJ or KL to work one lar! And it's not so ulu okeh. Got 3 Mc Donalds there plus a Tesco. That should have you survive."

7 Jujus:

smallkucing said...

ngggg... :P

Twilight Man said...

LOL... Mommy Oh Mommy! She sounded like my mum but I think my mom is more nggggg!!!!!....

Reanaclaire said...

now i must also refrain myself from asking these questions to my son..hahhaa...

Paul Figaro J said...

got starbucks or coffee bean mou?

Gratitude said...

Please don't tell her about the beggars chicken place, or she'll think that the place is ridden with poverty wakakakaka

carpe diem said...

Mums will be mums...we just have to be patient and live with it. They mean no harm.

TZ said...

show your mom the Gold Coast Sepang and Impian Morib Resort ... :p