Thursday, September 16, 2010

On the Psychiatric Lover

More often than not, we were looking for love, hungrily and impatiently wait for it to happen. So when you're finally settled down with one, you would be so ever happy and the joy was unexplainable.

So here's a scenario that came into my thought today.

You found that someone and settled down. You love each other so much, but you took things slowly and over the years, your relationships got so close that when you guys are not together, you feel not natural. But over time, things started to go downhill. You started to get annoyed with little incompatibility and one day, patience broke. After 10 years, you decided to move on.

But the lover was not able to accept the fact and was begging for you to get back together. You did. You decided to give this relationship another chance. But still, the change of interest and the lack of feelings, somewhat exaggerate minute mistakes. After a couple of months, you decided that you couldn't accept it any longer and decided that it was just a waste of time.

Lover fell into major depression and started to develop psychomotor agitations. He/she wouldn't stop bothering you. Calls, emails, voice mails, visits even to the extent of stalking you at work place.

At the point when you found a new lover, he/she wouldn't stop bothering you; to the extent that your lover was threatened to leave you.

In short, your ex-lover became insane and wouldn't leave you alone because he/she loves you too much, and wanted to get back together with you again.

What would you do???

note: this is just a fictional input. Any coincidence with any real-life events is not intended.

6 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

If the ex gets insane, I will seek Dr.Bong's help to cure myself.

smallkucing said...

get a restraining order

Reanaclaire said...

what is that he is holding? scary..

[SK] said...

well, love is never an easy thing to maintain.. :)

Chris said...

We hv to learn to control our empotions..

Atlantisian said...

wow, are you sure it just fictional? For some reason, it sounds similar to "You know i have a friend, not me!! my friend..."