Sunday, September 19, 2010

On the Perfect Cut

There was this Singaporean drama series called 'Perfect Cut' which was shown on NTV7 not long back. The main casts revolved around a plastic surgeon and a psychiatrist. Dr. Alex Tan, the plastic surgeon made a very strong remark about plast

ic surgery "There's no ugly people, there's only poor people." Meaning, as long as you are rich, you can be pretty and beautiful, via plastic surgery that is.

But as time progresses, Dr. Alex Tan loses the empathy. Breast implants. Botox injection. Liposuction. You know what it means.

He started treating depressed patients; operating surgery on them so they are beautiful and all. Until one day when there was a young under-aged girl who came in asking for a breast implant to impress her boyfriend, but later on, news broke that she committed suicide because her boyfriend were not satisfied. And the incident left an impact towards the plastic surgeon, who later seek refuge in taking time off and finding back his passion in medicine.

Psychiatrist, Dr. Kelly, who went to the same medical school as he did, managed to help. And before anyone knows it, Dr. Alex went back to operating what was supposedly taught in medical school, before fame and wealth took over and turning plastics commercialized.

I was most impressed when Dr. Alex told about the story of his first plastic surgery, where he operated on a young boy with ear defect. The next day, he went back to the ward, and saw the mother of the kid crying. He was scared, wondering what had he done wrong. But to his surprised, mother actually thanked him for the job he did.

"It was the happiest moment in my life."

So Dr. Alex finally found his passion when he operated on a patient with cleft lips. And he had the same expression of gratitude from the mother.

I was deeply moved. As badly as how the media projects plastic surgeons as the money-suckers amongst all the medical subspecialties, not many actually appreciated what the plastics team do.

Skin transplants for necrotising fasciitis. Skin transplant for burnt victims. Correction of cleft palate...

So at the end of the day, it downs to us how we want to interpret the profession.

But well, gotta admit one of the model-born actor looked really cute in it. :P Dr. Alex did some liposuction on his younger brother, Sky, so that his muscles are more define. In the drama of course. LOL.

5 Jujus:

Twilight Man said...

I will sign up with you when you can add muscles like the last pix.

the viennamese said...

Ohhh! Julian Hee was the reason I watched this! 6-7pm weeknights! Lols. Oh, he had liposuction? Never really watched cuz I don't understand Chinese. I just wait impatiently for him to appear and drool like mad when he does! :D

[SK] said...

OMG, i want that body~~ haha!! :D

Gratitude said...

AHA no wonder you so busy-lah those days. I think I need a tummy-tuck too :(

Reanaclaire said...

Who is this Julian Hee in the last picture.. i mean is he an actor? i thought for a moment, he is Jet Li.. :p