So when sister asked if I've watched "Inception" a couple of weeks back, I said I already did, which was why we ended with "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", which turned out to be quite great, especially the soundtrack!
But a few days later, on a Saturday, she was asking if I wanted to go for a movie with her and the brother. But I was actually going out with another friend to watch the movie "Inception" which I lied I already watched earlier because I wanted to watch the movie with my friend. So I just told her that I would be going out without telling her any more details.
Plans subsequently changed as to which cinema my friend and I were to go to and we find ourselves in e@Curve after lunch. I was thinking of calling the sister when we saw the showtime since she and the brother haven't watched the movie, and that way, I could watch the movie with my friend as well as the siblings. But she didn't pick up.
Which was a good thing, I thought. Because I remembered I told her I watched the movie already.
So, we bought the ticket. And then the sis called asking why I called.
Apparently she was also outside with the brother. They wanted to watch "Inception".
My eyes wide open. I looked at my friend and spoke the feces in mute. Again. And again. With hands up in the air, dramatically grasping fist and punching air. Feces feces feces!
"The sister will be watching the movie which I declined to watch with here, in the same cinema, same hall, same time as myself!"
Serve me right?
It's not that I didn't want to watch the movie with her. I just thought, I promised to watch the movie with my friend since before it was launched, and we were both so busy with our stuff until that weekend... So I've been reserving the slot to watch the movie with the friend, to which I lied to everyone else who asked me out to watch the movie that I've already watched it. The siblings included. Even though the brother might be leaving again soon and it'll prolly be another year before I see him again. Even though the sister loves me so much and so do I despite I never really showed that I cared.
The siblings didn't coincidently sat next to me in the cinema hall. And I was able to really enjoy the movie entirely, until the end when we woke up from our 'dream'. Shite, the sister and the brother were in the same hall!
We sat for a bit longer, and there they were, 2 rows in front of us.
We waited for them to leave the hall before we stood up and cautiously walking towards the exit, took the staircase to the ground floor, and killed some time going to the toilet standing near to a pillar. Finally, we rushed towards the car, crossing all the other crowds in The Curve, me looking around every other second to make sure the siblings were not in sight.
Very dumb indeed...
But I didn't want to be caught 'red handed'.
And I managed to pull through.
Still, very stupid... LOL
10 Jujus:
next time just tell her you have promised to watch with your friend . Kau tim
hahaa.... like that also can.. but now when she reads your blog, bocor rahsia already!
Wuz the show worth all the trouble then? hehe
its a well thought out movie, but i must have been to lazy to figure out what is really happening.. haha.
then next time just tell her the true story lor..
Moral of the story? Next time, opt for the pirated DVD and watch at friend's house instead! LOL.
huh! Why didn't you just tell the truth; that you already made plans to watch it with a friend? Lolazee. Burn!
hey r u doing? i love this movie this creative storyline and concept
feces.. hahah nice replacement word. It is always risky to lie.
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