Private practice is a very funny thing. Once a professor told me, when you go to private, you sort of lose your ethics; because when you're in private, your source of income is from the medication you prescribe.
Which was why, it wasn't surprising that a patient with depression has a list of 14 medications. All the medications to control mood in the market, you name it, this patient is taking it. Just that he probably have to do a lot of things first; cut pill A into 4, pill B into 6, pill C into 3, pill D have to eat first before all the other pills, and pill E 5 minutes after pill A.
Seriously, I swear the patient could be more depressed after he consulted that private doctor.
Then again, should I start my own private practice next time, I assure you I'll give you a discount. And I assure you I won't give you such a long list of medication. I'll probably prescribe you the second most expensive drug in the market. LMAO.
6 Jujus:
2nd most expensive medication... I will faint in front of the doctor :p
Somebody call 911 ...
We shall see if you drive a Mercedes or a Honda City.
2nd most expensive medication ah? Die lor..I guess I will be eating roti one whole month if take that med
Whenever I go to the privates, I'd sorta lose my sense of ethics too! :P lolz
and Medical Certificates are valuable out there~~ :p
u said 1 har i want discount hahahaha
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