Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On Being Obsessive and Compulsive

Hi. My name is Medie. And I have obsessive compulsive traits.

Some of those who have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) repeatedly do the same actions without rational reasoning, for instance, washing hands because they need to get rid of the germs on the hands. I have that habit as well. Just that, I wash my feet everytime I enter the house, or enter the room.

Some of the others who have OCD don't step on the black tiles on the floor because some bad things might happen. It's ridiculous, but they believed so. I have this kind of habit too. There's a dirty area in my room, and a clean area. When I came back from the school, I walked on the dirty area to the bathrooms to wash my feet before I walked on the clean area. Same goes to when I was to hit the bed. I would walk on the dirty area to the washroom and splash water on my feet, rub them on the floor, and tip-toed on the clean area back into the room to the bed. Well, at least that was what I had when I was in primary school.

Some of them OCD, similar to the concept of washing hands, have the tendency to think germs is more prevalent outside of the house as compared to indoor. I used to think so too. I have one set of clothes to go out, and another set when I come home. But the clothes that I wore out, if I've accidentally sit on a particular chair, that chair would be contaminated. Meaning, the next time when I'm wearing my indoor clothings, should I sit on that chair, it means that set of clothes were to be washed, and should not be worn to bed.

Some of the other OCD, has a tendency of arranging things i.e. clothes according to colours, or books according to thickness. I think I have the similar trait too.

Having said that...

I don't have obsessive compulsive disorder.

I'm totally normal.

5 Jujus:

manglish said...

hahahahahaha...if repeatedly masturbate is wat...OCD or addicted to sex? ahhahaha

Medie007 said...

good one manglish! hahaha.

but then again, there's a guidelines to diagnose addiction. primacy, tolerence, sterotype, compulsion, wintrawals. stuff like that.

then again, if there's none, prolly it's COD. hahahahaha

Danny said...

my name is gaga.. danny gaga
i arrange my clothes according o colors and length ( short sleeve n long sleeve )
i on / off my car alarm at least 3 times b4 leaving
i open/ lock my door at least 2 times b4 leaving
i like my stuffs to be placed in order... my order, of cos ;p

savante said...

I think most doctors are a little obsessive-compulsive :) How else would we have gotten here!

Gratitude said...

You display OCD at Yuen buffet! mwahahaha