It's not like we get a lot of weekends where we were post-exam and we just finished a posting awaiting a new one. And rarely too that I actually ended not having any plans. So a few days ago when I woke up on a Saturday without any plans, I thought the plan of the day was to just stay in bed and sleep the day off.
But apparently, it was a very long sleep with numerous dreams. Which, oddly whenever I woke up from those dreams, I vividly remember them, and I'd leave some traces in the phone, had no idea why I did that. And everytime I dozed off, I'd have different sets of dreams which woke me up. And the cycle continues.
Very tiring really.

But I was too lazy to drag my butt out. The only moment that I left the room, was to the loo and the canteen for food. Otherwise, it seriously was a very unproductive day.
With lots of odd funny things coming out from my mind. Me committing suicide? My friend had retroviral infection. Me being a drug addict. How fanciful my mind could be sometimes eh? Apparently, very grim looking one too.
God knows how many rounds of those sleep cycles I went through.
Ugh! Now I felt stupid, wasting my whole Saturday sleeping. Ugh!
9 Jujus:
those dreams had better not come true haahhaah
i agree with manglish.. hahaha...
so how many hours have you been sleeping that day?? hmmm, i think i won't do that, though could stay at home whole day but just a two hours afternoon nap will do for me..
You committing suicide or being a drug addict? My-oh-my, hope you are not affected by those prozac poppers! lolz
oh tats weird, i normally dun remember my dream, mayb im still lazy even in my dream :P
its good to b able to sleep whole day, enjoy while u still can, when the study and exam started again, then u can indulge as much liao :)
Ah the sleep pattern. God we had to remember that for the exams!
manglish, yeah... better not be.
reanaclaire, if it comes true i'll prolly just ran outta my room naked. wakakakakakakaka
SK, that day ah? i think erm, about 10 hours in the day...
gratitude, had another dream of those. oddly enough, i'm not taking prozac!
happy, very toturing one lor actually. hahahahah
savante, it's to be remembered in exams???? never knew that! hahaha
Geng! Geng! Geng!
Nothing to do ???
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