Wednesday, June 03, 2009

On Watching the Sunrise

I've always loved sunset.

But that day, we had a change and watched the sunrise instead. Woke up at 5 in the morning and headed straight to the beach. It was still dark, but there were already some avid photographers waiting for the rising sun. Couples were seen holding hands not quite far down the beach. Waves hitting the shores and it was pretty chilly still.

As the first ray of sunlight shone past the clouded sky far down the horizon, the satisfaction of waiting was fulfilled. It wasn't as beautiful as say, those captured by the proffesionals. What made it special was, it was my first sunrise in so many years. And I mean, watching the sun rising...

And there we were, sitting by the beach, enjoying the first sunrise together in our lives. I felt alive. I felt carefree. And I felt free. Away from all the troubles and worries.

* * *

Two weeks later today, I looked back at the photo and remembers what I wore that day. I recalled what I felt. And I remembered why I was there.

Two months down the line, it's a battle of a considerable size. Against myself. And I've since the past few weeks putting myself in the loosing ground, fearing that I might never win after all.

But with this memory that I have, I found a new breath. I found a new me. I shall get ready, and do a final preparation for this final battle.

And I know I will win.

I have to.

10 Jujus:

Paul Figaro J said...

so chim ar?

Medie007 said...

chim ah? chim mei??

[SK] said...

err, i always like sunrise instead of sunset.. sunset means an ending, but sunrise means a new hope and a new beginning to me.. :)

.:: Ant ::. said...

Positive thinking..... luv it!


JL said...

It's good to have confidently positive thinking, because it gets you far. Very far, trust me. ;)

TZ said...

Dude... the sunrise shots are nice ... Good that you have slowly built up your confident ... all the best to your next fight :)

Bengbeng said...

hopefully you will carry this awareness of sunrise all the days of your life. personally i find it an awe inspiring experience every time i witness a spectacular sunrise and take a pic of it.

MrBunnyBan said...

Go for it! We all wish you well!

(the word verification: seduct)

Perky said...

The only time I actually managed to see sunrise was when I fell asleep on the beach & it got super cold that I just had to wake up (in time for sunrise).

I'm just not a morning person... which is why I enjoy sunsets more ;)

savante said...

What's the three fingers?