Monday, June 01, 2009

On Exploring the Atypical

Eerie part was, my friend sensed 'something' in the forest, and hence the lack of photos after the 2nd beach... We were basically running through the tracks and thoroughly wet... Eeriee... spookyyy...

4 Jujus:

Bengbeng said...

The Mukah Head place is cool. I used to hike there ages ago. Played lau hero and camped there. Interestingly enough, we did experience 'something' near the stream.

At night we took off everything n just frolicked in the sea. There was something in the sand that glittered like specks of metal and since it was all over us, when we got up we were like luminous boys, glistening in the moonlight. Most of the time, we were all alone. I doubt it is still that private nowadays. :)

.:: Ant ::. said...

Didnt go cruising at the Botanical Gardens meh? :P


Paul Figaro J said...

ohhhhh..........Botanical Gardens is a cruising place ar?? hmm....

foongpc said...

Wht is that 'something' your friend sensed? Ghost? Spirits? I won't be surprised cos there are many of them in the forests! : )