Fine. I'm coming out. Whether you like it or not. I don't care.
I love the opening to bits! And I really do mean to every single bitsssss!!!! The song is really upbeat. The graphics are superb. And I suppose, they really do know how to do strong advertisement. With that being said, I guess they applied what Brian's really good at in the opening of their season 4 and 5.
Check the video out. If you're interested.
Like there's this season 4 promotional clip, it's pretty good too. They all are. I mean the actors. They're good in attracting... or at least I think I should've say, maintaining the ones who watched the series.
Until I saw this video. It's claimed to be one of the most successful series in the US showtime. Said Larry King. So yeah, there really are new people who are attracted to watch the series too. Washington Post called it a drama least likely to play it safe. Can't agree more. And they're married!!!! Wooooot!!!!
And finally, this is like, really the BEST promotional video ever. You must watch this one!
There you go. I'm going all out promoting this drama series. Go get your copy now! Unless you're a homophobe. Definitely NOT for the minors. It is after all, a relationship show.
8 Jujus:
are the dvd sold here in malaysia?
wanna watch it so badly~
i dunno about the dvd wor...
but can always download. hehe
OMG! YES! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Season 4's opening credits. I loved the opening credit before, but it was a tad too raunchy for me. This one was so tastefully done. The song, OMG the song, I could play it over and over in my head like a music video.
I especially liked the part where Robert Gant starts dancing and the part when those positive and negative guys were shown.
i will wait for the dvd. i am not so tech savvy . i dont know how to download
tanglebloom, same too!!! :D i find the opening credit for seasn 4 and 5 very reaching. like... it really reaches out to you... and the song was amazing!
bengbeng, i wouldn't really suggest you the drama... considering you're married and all :P
Not a fan of QAF...
-.- this series is like what? 2002?
and yes they sell the dvd here. sri hartamas has it... actually everywhere also can find la...
glog: you don't have to like it if you don't :)
litte prince: 2002 so? am not exactly an up t date guy anyways. :P
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