Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On the Touching Vid

A friend showed me a video.

Here in my home, I'll tell you what it's all about,
There's just one hope, here in my heart,
One love undevided, that's what it's all about,
Please won't you fall in one by one...

It's a pretty catchy song, and it's a noble move. Bravo bravo bravo!

See, I would have said it's just some hypocrisy, it's not like no one ever shout out loud about how important racial unity is. That as time passed, I see more racial conflicts. Whatever we talked about, there'd be some insensitive people who'd start to pick and twist on what you said and turned it into something racial.

And soon enough, you'd just stop talking and walk away. That's what I did. Further arguments not only will trigger something unimaginable, I thought it'd even harm the friendship.

Thing is, hyporicy in the dirty world of politics made the whole phrase of 'racial unity' such a cliche. Everyone said we should be united regardless of race. Yea right. Racism exist everywhere. We were brought up this way, with the different category of classing different race, i.e. "race" in all the forms you could ever come across, how much easier can any talks with no walks promote any more unity?

Pardon me but, no matter what we do, people with the same race still flock together. Majority of them. No doubt, there are some who really do wish that the different races would come together and live in harmony, and they really do mean it. But many are just NATOs, and still cursed the other races. Cina babi and what not. Believe me, I know. And I've had first hand experience of witnessing racial conflicts. Racial unity has a loooooong way to go.

But what the artists did, I think they really do mean it. Not that I know any of them, artists can be quite fake as well, but since it's a zero-production and plainly volunteer production, they're really sincere about it, no? Plus, this one guy I met before in the video, heh, he's a very, I dunno, liberal. It's not a surprise if he's behind all that as well. After all, he's quite a prominent man in the arts industry.

So with that being said, let's just hope here in my home, that noble nearly-impossible dream comes true.

You can visit Malaysian Artistes For Unity homepage here.

2 Jujus:

Anonymous said...

I like the video.

Anonymous said...

love da video very much..even promoted it to my friends...agree with you as well..unity..there's a long long way to go..btw..I'm ur classmate in form 5..weiping arh..lolx..hihi~