I'm always the one doing the decoration whenever it comes to Chinese New Year. I'm not kidding you, really! I'm always the one 'in charge' of the arrangements of the furnitures, the teeny decorations here and there, the flowers, the lanterns, tangerines, pamelo, ang pows and whatever you find at one corner of the house where people would normally decorate to so call invite the God of Wealth. Yeap. I'm the one doing all those stuff.
Our living room is filled with a lot of stuff actually. We have a big cabinet with display cupboards where we would display the little souvenirs the parents received, the gifts we get from our holidays, the plaques and trophies and whatever doesn't belong to anywhere else. So thought because, generally, we are a bunch of kids who like to show of our achievements. *LMAO* Okay seriously. Dad bought the cabinet 10 years ago so that we kids could have place to display our trophies. You know, back then, us being kids, the kiasu-ness... Get the idea? Somehow, we have since then shoving all the memorablias into the display cabinets. A whole big chunk would be of mum's gift from her students, while of late there's more and more plaques dad received from people I don't know. We call the cabinet our 'antique cupboard'. *LMAO*
The living room
Seriously, it's just the angle of the camera and the lighting.
We're NOT well off!
So, generally, every year when the Chinese New Year approaches, we would, I mean, I would voluntarily asked to do the living room cabinets. As well as the corner table. As well as the porch in front of the sliding door. For the past few years we turned the porch into another sitting room. And since the last few years too, we turned the table-tennis table into a board of creativity expression. Every year I would try to come up with ideas to make the decorations as creative and as pretty as I could. And I haven't failed to receive praises from family and friends that our decorations are the most beautiful they've seen. Awww... flattery flattery *sniggering*
Anyway, I rummaged through last year's album to look for the deco piccies. And I found just a few.

The corner table was arranged with the statues of the God of Wealth, 2 baskets of fruits, one of tangerines and the other of pamelos, and a vase of flowers. Fakes. With shells I brought back from Labuan inside the glass vase to hold the stems of the fake flowers.

As for the front porch, creativity expression ensued. CNY cards. Two piggies paper cutting from Sis's petsis. A big vase of plum blossoms. Lots of traditional feel, not too plain yet not to stuffed up.
Yeap yeap, I am THAT good.

And of course, we were so in love with all things glass last year. Dad literally burnt a big hole in his wallet to get the new set of couch and the coffee table from Lorenzo, as the old one was saggy and worn out. We were giving ourselves excuses that we need to upgrade our '
status', with Dad's new job, and me in uni and all. So,
yeap, Sis got a small bowl of deco flowers to be placed on top of the coffee table.
So, that would be the deco of '07. Wonder how the deco of '08 would be like....
Hmmmmm... Right brain spinnng.
7 Jujus:
Well obvious enough why they turn to you for decorating. Cliched but true.
Wah lan. Come decorate my house le. :P
paul paul... are u turned to for decorating as well then?
QR, i want a big ang pow... :P
Wah! Lorenzo wor! Don't play play! Lol... some more wanna say not well off. Look at that picture of your living room...so poshy. Hahaha!!!
Calvin shouting at mom "MOM, I think we need to upgrade our furniture!!!" Lol...
seriously! we're not well off bah. we pay by installments, all our cash were gone own to the malls with me shopping. LMAO
ah? so late only deco?? hmmmm show us show us this year deco!!
kekeke... tis year deco... just finished on the day before the eve. hahaha
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