Went outing with the bitches today. Again. Sinfully...
The same group of fellas. With an additional spice today though. Another guy joined us today, making it a fivesome. *WAKAKAKA* Is there even that word? *LOL*. And that woman, I mean the woman that completed the foursome last Sunday, out of no where, started making fun of this "BONG" thingy. What the??
Dear God. Not that I'm angry. It's pretty amusing alright. I mean, at that time and place, with that bunch of crazy fellas, how could I possibly get mad right? In fact, I think it's quite a good gathering alright. Crazy-ly funny fellas. *LMAO* Hey, I'm telling you now though, BONG is not just a simple name okeh! It's in fact, glamorous! That's why I've got two shops in KLCC! Want to bet?
I visited the renovation process in KLCC a few weeks ago.

Me: See! I told you it's MY shop!
Bibik: Yealah tu... with all the plasma TV tertonggeng like that...

Bibik: Oooo... can eat free!
10 Jujus:
lol belanja me makan k?
haha. i also wan free food and 70% from billaBONG lei~ =p
blanja u? dream on babe! wakakakakkaka
aaron, free drinks from the tap lor... billaBONG? erm... erm... wait lar... wakakakkakaka.
seems that you dare not mention anything about the bapok giler. Ha ha ha ha!
CNY coming lor, me want free shirts :)
Wah... got your name on them in KLCC hor... you are so famous, dear Bong...
bik: hahahahahahaha.. bapok giler? wat about that? or him? or her? apa tuh? wakakakakakaka
jason: free shirts? erm.. i think you can write in to Marks&Spencer asking for their red "SALE" shirt lor, they have so many on their patung patung now lor...
david: wakakakaka.... Of course! :P
ooh, i want i want the %% too, but im nto so the tamak laa... no need 70%, 50% pun dah cukup untuk i sapu baju baju at ur "shop", haha..
u r really famous la... lolx
mike. LMAO
pikey: of course! LOL
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