During lunch today...
LF: How come your house one been wearing red and pink recently? I saw CH wearing pink shirt yesterday. Then today KK wearing red tie, and you wearing red shirt and red tie.
Me: Cannot mei?
LF: Can... Looks nice... Influenced by the latest trend is it?
Me: What trend?
LF: I'm not quite sure. Either Japan or Korea. Men wearing pink. Pink shirt. Pink tie.
Me: Oh yakah? I dunno wor...
What's so wrong with men wearing pink anyway? I tried to look for the fashion thingy she meant, but I found this. 

Looks nice innit?
KW: You're so gay...
Me: What?
KW: You... gay...
Me: HUH???
And I shall add more if I did wore the pink tie.
Me: Because I wear pink?
And I wouldn't know how KW would react then. But I'm guessing smart-ass Ben would join in the fun and who knows how the conversation will end up.
No seriously, what's wrong with men wearing PINK? Not like my shirt is pink, although I do have one pink shirt yet to be worn in my wardrobe. But I honestly find there's nothing wrong wearing pink. Surely you're not as narrow-minded as to think all men wearing pink must be homosexually gay right?
Oh... yea yea, I'm all innocent. Brighten me up please? I'm ready with my arguments. *LMAO*
And I wouldn't know how KW would react then. But I'm guessing smart-ass Ben would join in the fun and who knows how the conversation will end up.
No seriously, what's wrong with men wearing PINK? Not like my shirt is pink, although I do have one pink shirt yet to be worn in my wardrobe. But I honestly find there's nothing wrong wearing pink. Surely you're not as narrow-minded as to think all men wearing pink must be homosexually gay right?
Oh... yea yea, I'm all innocent. Brighten me up please? I'm ready with my arguments. *LMAO*
13 Jujus:
Wearing pink is nothing nowadays..
especially baby pink, it's a trend for guys to wear baby pink.
wat is baby pink ah? LOL
Yeah, exactly. I headed out to BUY pink shirts because it's a current trend now.
They say, only guys who are confident of their masculinity enough are the ones not bothered by the colour of what they're wearing.
But worst case scenario, if you have long hair, then wear pink some more... then across the street some ah beng looked over and yell... 'Leng Lui'...
it's nothing wrong to wear pink la.. and i have a few pink shirts too.. and some female friends compliment it....
jz typical stereotyping of the colour
wow... aleckii... betul ke nih? wakakakakakkakakaka
hi pikey! thanks for dropping by! a friend used to say i look good with the pink tie. hehe
Only men who are supremely confident of their sexuality dares to go pink. And I mean real pink, not some ugly, washout excuse for a pink that you could only identify if u squint hard enough till you get a brain hemorrhage.
like, I have something pink on me, almost everytime I go to uni. LOL
Even with pink shirt, tie and tinge of pink on the socks. LOL
It all depends on the hue of pink you're wearing! Not to blindingly bright, please! And contrasting ties! No white tie?
We all wore pink as hengdais last year. Spiffy!
ben: oh.. mine is real pink alright... and nope, not the washout type...
josh: any pink undies? LMAO
janv: dun hav white tie boh...is blue tie with pink shirt contrasting enough? :P
Nice what. Gay mai gay lor, so what :P
wakakakaka... yalor hor. Not like i'm planning to settle down anytime in the near future anyway. :P
I have a pink sweater and a some pink shirts too. Hehehe... I personally think pink brings out the sweetness in men.
And people always assume I'm one rich brat when they see me in pink. Does pink has to do with one's wealth?
i have nooooooo idea. LMAO
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