Alex came by around 8pm. What the heck, the fireworks started at midnight anyway. We had dinner somewhere, I actually forgot where. LOL. And the highway were jammed as hell. We knew this year there'll be some huge celebration at the field in front of Samad building. But considering Alex's not a favourite of crowds, and that the grass in the field would've been all dead stomped by gazillions of feet by then, we didn't go down to the city. Besides, since Pboy was promoting his place, so Ikano we went.
Cars were moving like tortoise on the highway. It's like snails at the junction going into Ikano. We almost gave up seeing all the cars being directed away from the place by some traffic police. But hail Lord, I got to say Ikano's been doing a good job, we were actually directed into the parking space of The Curve. teehee...

Finally, it's the road. I was asking Pboy where's the best spot to watch the fireworks. I only got what he meant by "on the road, facing the stage" when we're there. The road between The Curve and Ikano was basically transformed into an open-air concert theatre. We were in time to catch Fish Leong's performance. She's verrrry pretty, and I guess she's got voice of angel's too. All this while I thought singers would never be able to sing as well as the one we heard in their albums, but I guess my lame theory was knocked down hard by this Malaysian artiste. LOL. It's the first time I ever watched any REAL artiste in person, so I guess it's cool....
2 seconds before the countdown ends, we saw 2 shots of fireworks already. It's either Serena Sii and the digital clock by the stage were slower by 2 seconds or the technician who let go the magic got too excited and flashed it out 2 seconds earlier. LOL. But everything's cool. It's just awesome. Alex was enjoying every bit of it, the fireworks, the music, the people, the atmosphere. But I was well, busy practicing my fireworks photoshot. And honestly, it's ahaha... I'd say I needed more practice. LOL. I didn't have my tripod with me. I'm not a pro, I don't have the big bulky pro camera, so it'll be very lame if I had my tripod but a compact camera.

But everything was really nice. We left the place a quarter pass midnight. Alex must've been tired. Ooooh, and one more thing, The Curve acutally provided free parking... hooorah!
6 Jujus:
What? You have never heard any artiste singing LIVE before? Are you serious? You didn't attend any concert before? You got to be kidding me!
nope.... as far as i'm concerned, nope, i've never been to live concert before. :p
the closest i ever got to a live singing would be on tv, or singing competitions...
hey bong.. glad u like the show my team put up.. know what? your comments will be put up in our board post mortem meeting tomorrow morning 10am :)
am glad u like Fish Leong too.. hope I didnt jealous u out with my t-shirt that she signed on :) hehe... ohya.. if u havent check my ppost yet on the merdeka event.. u better do!!!
oh yea.. about the 2second fireworks "pre-relase".. it was intentional..
since it takes 2 seconds for the fireworks to explode from firing point.. so as soon as countdown reach "zero" the firworks must explode already instead of waiting 2 seconds for it.. :)
for more details on the IKANO Golden Merdeka, kindly please visit my blog thank you!!
didn't see much updates there dude...
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