Fret not coz its not the end but actually the beginning. Some learnt it later in their life, you got your share earlier. Everything happens for a good reason. This too is no different.
It is just a test of life. It is a test of your conviction. Pull this through and you will truly learn one of the most valuable lessons in life.
Pick yourself up. This is a journey not a race. Stick your head high above your shoulders. You will be alright.
Life is not as black as what you think. Turn your anger, fear and sorrow into positive energy. Take it as a lesson for you to learn and just try again.
8 Jujus:
Sure pass la... with first class honors summore xD and agai with the SANSKRITS??!!!
Choi! choi! How can you think of suicide! Grandma sprinkles holy water on your head and your blardy mouth.. I see flying colours in you.
u wont want la....
be more optimistic
popi popi popi oooh .. :)
南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩, 阿彌陀佛~~
If I read you right....then this is my comment.
Fret not coz its not the end but actually the beginning. Some learnt it later in their life, you got your share earlier. Everything happens for a good reason. This too is no different.
It is just a test of life. It is a test of your conviction. Pull this through and you will truly learn one of the most valuable lessons in life.
Pick yourself up. This is a journey not a race. Stick your head high above your shoulders. You will be alright.
Life is not as black as what you think. Turn your anger, fear and sorrow into positive energy. Take it as a lesson for you to learn and just try again.
vety chubbilicious u are
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