Thursday, March 03, 2011

On the Future Paths

The future of medicine in Malaysia is... I'd put it... bleak. LOLs. I'm not smart you see, I can't possibly fight for the very limited places of Masters programme in the country, and I'd probably fail and burn my money if I sit for those external examinations, as such of MRCP or USMLE which would allow me to practice in countries like the US or the UK; which means, I have nowhere to go but to practice in my home sweet country.

No, it's not bad. I'll probably just run a clinic in a shop outside my house, hire someone to become my nurse, probably just settle down with that nurse, have kids, and raise my kids, and force them to become doctors regardless of what they really want to become. I give a damn what people will say of me, "just a GP", as long as I treat my patients with courtesy and ethics, I'm sure I could still earn the respect from those in the neighbourhood. Everyone would greet me "Dr" whenever they see me. Good, no?

Or. I could really live that dream of mine, being someone. Like, really SOMEONE. I might not have those big a dream like starting a healthcare company, although I used to have such a dream; so I thought something of a smaller scale would be more practical. Just apply for something less competitive after this basic degree; forensic pathology perhaps. And get the help from the sister in statistics, publish loads of big arse journals, and become some big arse somebody. Just like Dr. Pornthip. Wonder if you still remember. LOL. And sacrifice the personal life, being loyally married to my career.

Dream big! Like we all used to before we came into a medical school.

But now. The only dream I have, would be to pass this coming finals...

Dear Lord... Please please please please bless me so I pass this exam, please bless me so I get nice nice examiners, please bless me so I get super smart in the short cases....

3 Jujus:

the viennamese said...

Lols. You've come a really long way to be where you are today, to be a qualified doctor in the [very] near future. It's still HUGE!!

You've actually accomplished your dream. And about specialising and becoming more than "just a GP", that's just you expanding on your dreams.

You've always dreamt big. Now your dreams are becoming even bigger! You'll get there. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself.

All the best! You'll weather this through!!

Robinn T said...

Hope you can pass lor... Nvm la.. so far also pass all the way right? Should be A Okay by the end of the exam XD

At least you are finally THERE! I'm only about to START. 5 years more to join you leh... by the time when I'm done you'd probably be a millionaire or something, performing surgeries for all the big shots and all T.T

Trust me, with your thoughts and zeal, you can go even further than GP.

Danny said...

ehh .. tot i already sprinkled water on u the other day for blessing? ;p

good luck :)