Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On Scrubbing In

Actually, there's more to me and my patient with Peutz Jeghers Syndrome. The day she went for the surgery, I nearly thought I wouldn't be able to make it to see what the polyps looked like because we had another class earlier that afternoon. But surprisingly, I reached the operation theater where she was, just in time to see her being drapped.

And the surgeon in charged came to me, "Are you a medical student? You know how to scrub?"


"Yeah! Sure!"

So there I was, brushing my hands, brush brush brush... Adrenaline pumping. Gosh. It's a hemicolectomy and ileostomy surgery! Gosh gosh gosh! The last one I scrubbed, was just a 30 minutes incision and drainage of an abscess in the butt. But this... this is HUGE... Like... HUGE!

For me, at least. LOL.

3 hours standing there, together with the main surgeon, and his main assistant, I was more of like the 4th hand. Holding the retractor... suctioning the excess fluid... cutting the line... But at least... I get to see the INSIDE of a tummy, of a living human, heart still pumping; not those in the dissection hall. All the twisted guts and all. Even the liver! And the gallbladder! And the kidney too! Like, so exciting can! LMAO.

The surgeon signed my log book with a simple comment, "well assisted".

Happy happy joy joy.

It definitely made my day.

I think I might even like surgery....


7 Jujus:

Naomi said...

WOW! hard to imagine that having to see all that alive. 1 step ahead to someone you will become.

Robinn T said...

Owh those sorry looking guts!!!! I'm still deciding whether to take med or dentistry... ned seemed so much more fun and fulfilling, minus the fact that by the time i advise others on their health, mine probably got screwed up badly...

any advice?

savante said...

Your first step towards surgery! :)

Michelle Mak said...

oh!!! *CLAP CLAP*
good job!

[SK] said...

well, i guess this is a good experience for your learning.. :)

Reanaclaire said...

Congratulations! your hard efforts oaid off...

Twilight Man said...

The air con here is cold right now and you made Grandma's hair stand upright with goose bumps! I can never be in medical line but thanks to you all for saving lives!