Thursday, February 17, 2011

On the Printed Facebook Page

While I was home, I discovered another heart-wrenching stuff in the study room.

With the Brother far away, and Sis and me not so far away, but still away from home, Mum has no one to talk to but her husband, who could be pretty stubborn sometimes.

So, with the minimal skills that the Brother taught Mum about Facebook and Skype, at least she wouldn't feel too bad. She calls the Brother daily on Skype, just for that one minute, seeing the Brother live on web-cam. It helps with the missing I'm sure. Apart from that, she also adds us siblings as her friends on Facebook. In fact, probably her ONLY friends.

So I suppose, she goes online and logs into Facebook only to see our updated statuses; as well as to view our photos when she's lonely. I could so imagine her sitting alone in the house, thinking back of the moments when we were all still young...

She prints out the Facebook pages and keep them inside clear-holders for ease of viewing. On top of that, I also noted one where the Brother put up a status about "Mum hugs him when he falls down..." for Mother's Day... I could only imagined how much she misses us. Together now, *awwww*

And to think I always ignored her calls, I should be sent to hell. *sobs*

6 Jujus:

Small Kucing said...

it's not too late..

LittleLamb said...

like my mom too
She prints all my email...even those jokes one.

Twilight Man said...

You guys are so pampered and yet so ignorant. My time got no internet and KNN US mails took 10 days minimum to reach. My mum's agony wait was worse then but I called every 2 says! So I won't go to hell...

Reanaclaire said...

awww..medie, your mum is so sayang to u all.. she printed out all the pics and put into a book?

Bravebear said...

ur mom is so cute! printing all the pictures. I can totally feel what u wrote...

the viennamese said...

Wow. Facebook in hard copy. Lols